From Rosanne’s article in Written By Magazine…

Tween a Rocker and a Hard Place by Rosanne Welch
“I knew there was something different about the Hannah Montana television show when I found my 11 year old son watching what I had dismissed as just another tweener show – and a girl show at that. But he was watching it on a regular basis – and laughing. Big, boy belly laughs. As he flipped past other fare with the remote control fused to his fingertips, he would bypass several other tweener shows, but always stop on Hannah. It intrigued me. So I started to pay attention and I found myself laughing with him while using the show to introduce him to Lucille Ball, vaudeville and even African-American history (didn’t expect that one, did you?) Clearly this show was more than ‘just another tweener show’ and I decided to find out why.”