Quotes from “Why The Monkees Matter” by Dr. Rosanne Welch – 95 in a series – TV and The Monkees

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The television aspect of The Monkees certainly made a difference between the way they and other rock bands of the time experienced their cultural connections. Many straight rock and roll bands of the day hit a peak during production of their original records. Once the radio airplay ended, they faded, only to return as novelty nostalgia acts such as Flo and Eddie of The Turtles in their ‘Happy Together’ tours. Yet critics of the Monkees 2013 and 2014 concert tours found them still vibrant. 

from Why The Monkees Matter by Dr. Rosanne Welch —  Buy your Copy today!

 Why The Monkees Matter: Teenagers, Television and American Pop Culture


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