Photos: Literacy Day Event at California African-American Museum

Rosanne was out of town at another event, but co-author, Dawn Comer Jefferson and her daughter, Natalie (the model from the cover of “The Promise“) attended the Literacy Day Event at the California African-American Museum on Saturday. They sold and signed copies of “The Promise” and shared the story of the book in 2 readings from the book.

These photos give an overview of their day at the event, including photos of the attendees and fellow, local authors who attended. A few photos are included below along with a complete slide show of all the photos from the event. Click for larger images. 

LIteracy Day event at California African-American Museum, Los Angeles, CA - 067

(L-R) Natalie Jefferson, and local authors, Dawn Comer Jefferson, Valerie Wicks,  Yasmeen Z Christian and Valerie Woods

LIteracy Day event at California African-American Museum, Los Angeles, CA - 035LIteracy Day event at California African-American Museum, Los Angeles, CA - 026LIteracy Day event at California African-American Museum, Los Angeles, CA - 055

LIteracy Day event at California African-American Museum, Los Angeles, CA - 088

See the complete album of photos on Flickr

News coverage of Rosanne’s “Dr. Who and Culture” Presentation

A few links are popping up from various news sites to the talk on Doctor Who and Culture.

Watch the complete video, Doctor Who and Culture with Dr. Rosanne Welch

Dr who welch csup

Photo: Tom Zasadzinski, Cal Poly Pomona

Photo: Dr. Rosanne Welch – Doctor Who Talk

‘Doctor Who’ and Culture lecture at Cal Poly Pomona from the San Gabriel Valley Tribune

Photos: Doctor Who and Culture presentation by Dr. Rosanne Welch

Natalie Lopez at the CalPoly University Library invited me to do a presentation for National Libraries Week on Doctor Who and Culture so that’s why a group of Whovians from both CalPoly and CSUF gathered in the Special Events room on April 16th.  It was wonderful to look out over a sea of t-shirts and other Doctor paraphernalia present among the crowd as I pontificated about what makes Who great – mostly giving me a chance to present a case for the fact that writers make Doctor Who and therefore writers make culture.  Video of this talk will be available in a few days.

This talk was based in part on my essay, “When white writers write black” in the anthology, Doctor Who and Race.

Doctor Who and Culture presentation with Dr. Rosanne Welch - 069