Mickey Smith and Martha Jones from How Doctor Who Redefined Masculinity [Video Clip] (0:38)

Dr. Rosanne Welch presents “How Doctor Who Redefined Masculinity: A Study of the Doctors and their Male Companions at the Cal Poly Pomona University Library. Dr. Welch teaches in the IGE (Interdisciplinary General Education) program.

Watch the entire presentation here

Mickey Smith and Martha Jones from How Doctor Who Redefined Masculinity



When I think about Mickey Smith and I want to think about masculinity, he suits a lot of little places. A lot of these definitions. You would think we can talk about him as a warrior, because, in fact, he did become one. He’s probably the man who grew the most in his knowledge and his time with The Doctor. He went from a little puppy dog boyfriend of Rose who was dumb and she wasn’t liking him any more. Then he found his way to being a hero in his own life and so much so that, of course, as we know, he ended up marrying Martha (Jones) who is really a very, very powerful female character I believe. 

A clip from this 5th talk on various aspects of Doctor Who presented by Dr. Welch. You can find Dr. Welch’s other Doctor Who talks using the links below.

Dr. Rosanne Welch

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