Quotes from When Women Wrote Hollywood – 16 in a series – A Woman of a Certain Influence

Do you know about these women screenwriters? Many don’t. Learn more about them today! 

Quotes from When Women Wrote Hollywood - 16 in a series - A Woman of a Certain Influence

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“Again in Dark Star, “Nancy’s earliest memory establishes an association between the marginal and the sexual:

‘Watching their meeting, an emotion blind of understanding but vivid as pain shot through her. Something was meant by that glow in the dark face that bent upon her mother’s; something terrifying was meant by the glamour in her mother’s face as she looked back at him . . . these two were set apart and deaf to any cry but the cry that clamoured in their blood’ (83).””

Lorna Moon: A Woman of a Certain Influence
Elizabeth Dwyer Sandlin

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