Mindful(l) Media 12: How Marriages in Television Sitcoms have Evolved… or Have They? and A Lesson in Why Writing your own Story is So Important…

Mindful(l) Media is a new show and podcast from Dr. Rosanne Welch helping the audience to be more Mindfull about the Media we both create and consume as it relates to the portrayal of Gender, Diversity, and Equality.

Subscribe via iTunes today

Mindful(l) Media 12: How Marriages in Television Sitcoms have Evolved… or Have They? and  A Lesson in Why Writing your own Story is So Important…

On today’s show:

  • How Marriages in Television Sitcoms have Evolved… or Have They? 
  • A Lesson in Why Writing your own Story is So Important…
  • Part One of my interview with Valerie Woods, author of “Katrin’s Chronicles: The Canon of Jacqueléne Dyanne”
  • See the complete show notes at 3rd Pass Media

More after this…

Listen to Mindful(l) Media 12: How Marriages in Television Sitcoms have Evolved… or Have They? and  A Lesson in Why Writing your own Story is So Important…


Today’s show is brought to you by Audible.com. While I watched hours and hours of television in my childhood, I also read tons of books – and as a professor I have found that you can easily tell the readers from the non-readers by their spelling and their level of vocabulary so I always tell students to find time to read. It’s also deeply peaceful to get lost in a story. If you love audio books you can support us here at 3rdPass Media by starting your free 30-day trial with Audible today. Choose from over 100, 000 books.

Including one of my favorites, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes: The Illuminating Diary of a Professional Lady. Visit AudibleTrial.com/3rdpass or use the link in the show notes today.

Mindful(l)l Media is part of the 3rd Pass Media network. For more information, visit 3rdPass.media

If you have any questions or comments please send them to mindfull@3rdpass.media or via Twitter @mindfullmedia



Mindful(l) Media 11: A woman in the writer’s room, male characters defined by the women in their life and Valerie Woods Interview Part 2 [Audio Podcast]

Mindful(l) Media is a new show and podcast from Dr. Rosanne Welch helping the audience to be more Mindfull about the Media we both create and consume as it relates to the portrayal of Gender, Diversity, and Equality.

Subscribe via iTunes today

Mindful(l) Media 11: A woman in the writer's room, male characters defined by the women in their life and Valerie Woods Interview Part 2

On today’s show:

  • Does Having a Woman in the Room Make a Difference?
  • Which Male characters are defined by the women in their lives?
  • Part One of my interview with Valerie Woods, author of “Katrin’s Chronicles: The Canon of Jacqueléne Dyanne”
  • See the complete show notes at 3rd Pass Media

More after this…

Listen to A woman in the writer’s room, male characters defined by the women in their life and Valerie Woods Interview Part 2


Today’s show is brought to you by Audible.com. While I watched hours and hours of television in my childhood, I also read tons of books – and as a professor I have found that you can easily tell the readers from the non-readers by their spelling and their level of vocabulary so I always tell students to find time to read. It’s also deeply peaceful to get lost in a story. If you love audio books you can support us here at 3rdPass Media by starting your free 30-day trial with Audible today. Choose from over 100, 000 books.

Including one of my favorites, Six Wives: The Queens of Henry VIII”  By David Starkey. Visit AudibleTrial.com/3rdpass or use the link in the show notes today.

Mindful(l)l Media is part of the 3rd Pass Media network. For more information, visit 3rdPass.media

If you have any questions or comments please send them to mindfull@3rdpass.media or via Twitter @mindfullmedia



Mindful(l) Media 10: Netflix Normalizes TV, The Heroine’s Journey and More! [Audio Podcast]

Mindful(l) Media is a new show and podcast from Dr. Rosanne Welch helping the audience to be more Mindfull about the Media we both create and consume as it relates to the portrayal of Gender, Diversity, and Equality.

Subscribe via iTunes today

Mindful(l) Media 10: Netflix Normalizes TV, The Heroine's Journey and More!

On today’s show:

  • How International Television via Netflix finally Normalizes TV
  • Is There a Heroine’s Journey???
  • Part One of my interview with Valerie Woods, author of “Katrin’s Chronicles: The Canon of Jacqueléne Dyanne”
  • See the complete show notes at 3rd Pass Media

More after this…

Listen to Mindful(l) Media 10: Netflix Normalizes TV, The Heroine’s Journey and More! 


Today’s show is brought to you by Audible.com. While I watched hours and hours of television in my childhood, I also read tons of books – and as a professor I have found that you can easily tell the readers from the non-readers by their spelling and their level of vocabulary so I always tell students to find time to read. It’s also deeply peaceful to get lost in a story. If you love audio books you can support us here at 3rdPass Media by starting your free 30-day trial with Audible today. Choose from over 100, 000 books.

Including one of my favorites, Eat. Pray. Love. Visit AudibleTrial.com/3rdpass or use the link in the show notes today.

Mindful(l)l Media is part of the 3rd Pass Media network. For more information, visit 3rdPass.media

If you have any questions or comments please send them to mindfull@3rdpass.media or via Twitter @mindfullmedia

Video: Mindfu(l) Media – Behind the Scenes

Video: Mindfu(l) Media - Behind the Scenes

Dr. Rosanne Welch records a segment of Mindful(l) Media, her podcast on Women and Diversity in Media for the 3rd Pass Media Network.

Mindful(l) Media is a podcast dedicated to “Thinking Critically about the Media we Create… and Consume!”

Mindful(l) Media Web Site
Mindful(l) Media on iTunes

From Mindful(l) Media: The Waste of Talent in Hollywood by Dr. Rosanne Welch

From Mindful(l) Media: The Waste of Talent in Hollywood by Dr. Rosanne Welch

Wasted talent

I’ve been watching some old made for television movies from back in the days when that didn’t sound so derogatory — early made for television movies were things like Playhouse 90 where the work of up and coming New York playwrights and other quality material was being beamed into American homes — it was only over the years when TV movies turned into ‘victimized chick of the week’ or ‘disease of the week’ type sagas.

So watching some of these early dramas has made me notice a few things… such as the quality of the writing, the way stories spoke UP to the intelligence of the viewer (in an era when fewer folks had college degrees) — and the waste of talent that takes place in Hollywood. I guess I thought it was a more modern event, this not giving actors of color a greater chance to use their gifts for our entertainment. In my childhood television viewing — From Baretta to Starsky and Hutch to The Streets of San Francisco — it did not escape me that the white guys (and they were always guys) got to be the cops and the people of color seemed always to be the crooks, pimps and prostitutes that the nice white cops were investigating.

Read the entire article on Mindful(l) Media

Mindfull media logo med

Mindful(l) Media 9: Bashing the Auteur Theory & Oddities of The Emmy Voting Process + Part 4 with Kymera Press founder D. Lynn Smith

Mindful(l) Media is a new show and podcast from Dr. Rosanne Welch helping the audience to be more Mindfull about the Media we both create and consume as it relates to the portrayal of Gender, Diversity, and Equality.

Subscribe via iTunes today

Mindful(l) Media 9: Bashing The Auteur Theory, the Quirks of Emmy Voting and the concluding of an interview with D. Lynn Smith, founder of Kymera Press

On today’s show:

More after this…

Listen to Mindful(l) Media 9: Bashing the Auteur Theory & Oddities of The Emmy Voting Process + Part 4 with Kymera Press founder D. Lynn Smith


Today’s show is brought to you by Audible.com. While I watched hours and hours of television in my childhood, I also read tons of books – and as a professor I have found that you can easily tell the readers from the non-readers by their spelling and their level of vocabulary so I always tell students to find time to read. It’s also deeply peaceful to get lost in a story. If you love audio books you can support us here at 3rdPass Media by starting your free 30-day trial with Audible today. Choose from over 100, 000 books.

Including one of my favorites, Modern Romance: An Investigation by Aziz Ansari and Eric Klinenberg. Visit AudibleTrial.com/3rdpass or use the link in the show notes today.

Mindful(l)l Media is part of the 3rd Pass Media network. For more information, visit 3rdPass.media

If you have any questions or comments please send them to mindfull@3rdpass.media or via Twitter @mindfullmedia

Mindful(l) Media 8: Historical Feminists in Modern Television & Wasted Hollywood Talent + Part 3 with Kymera Press founder D. Lynn Smith

Mindful(l) Media is a new show and podcast from Dr. Rosanne Welch helping the audience to be more Mindfull about the Media we both create and consume as it relates to the portrayal of Gender, Diversity, and Equality.

Subscribe via iTunes today

Mindful(l) Media 8: Historical Feminists in Modern Television & Wasted Hollywood Talent + Part 3 with Kymera Press founder D. Lynn Smith

On today’s show:

  • Historical Feminists in Modern Television
  • Wasted Hollywood Talent
  • Interview with D. Lynn Smith Founder of Kymera Press – publishing Comics written and drawn by women for readers of all genders
  • See the complete show notes at 3rd Pass Media

More after this…

Listen to Historical Feminists in Modern Television & Wasted Hollywood Talent + Part 3 with Kymera Press founder D. Lynn Smith


Today’s show is brought to you by Audible.com. While I watched hours and hours of television in my childhood, I also read tons of books – and as a professor I have found that you can easily tell the readers from the non-readers by their spelling and their level of vocabulary so I always tell students to find time to read. It’s also deeply peaceful to get lost in a story. If you love audio books you can support us here at 3rdPass Media by starting your free 30-day trial with Audible today. Choose from over 100, 000 books.

Including one of my favorites, A Raisin in the Sun by  Lorraine Hansberry. Visit AudibleTrial.com/3rdpass or use the link in the show notes today.

Mindful(l)l Media is part of the 3rd Pass Media network. For more information, visit 3rdPass.media

If you have any questions or comments please send them to mindfull@3rdpass.media or via Twitter @mindfullmedia

Mindful(l) Media 7: Reality TV and the LGBT Community, Is Gidget Empowering? and Part 2 of Interview with D. Lynn Smith of Kymera Press

Mindful(l) Media is a new show and podcast from Dr. Rosanne Welch helping the audience to be more Mindfull about the Media we both create and consume as it relates to the portrayal of Gender, Diversity, and Equality.

Subscribe via iTunes today

Mindful(l)l Media 7

On today’s show:

  • A Rant on the Variety writer who credited Reality TV with helping bring LGBT people into the mainstream…
  • I’m Surprised by the Girl Empowering  Read GIDGET turned out to be!
  • Interview with D. Lynn Smith Founder of Kymera Press – publishing Comics written and drawn by women for readers of all genders
  • See the complete show notes at 3rd Pass Media

More after this…

Listen to Reality TV and the LGBT Community, Is Gidget Empowering? and Part 2 of Interview with D. Lynn Smith of Kymera Press


Today’s show is brought to you by Audible.com. While I watched hours and hours of television in my childhood, I also read tons of books – and as a professor I have found that you can easily tell the readers from the non-readers by their spelling and their level of vocabulary so I always tell students to find time to read. It’s also deeply peaceful to get lost in a story. If you love audio books you can support us here at 3rdPass Media by starting your free 30-day trial with Audible today. Choose from over 100, 000 books.

Including one of my favorites, In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. Visit AudibleTrial.com/3rdpass or use the link in the show notes today.

Mindful(l)l Media is part of the 3rd Pass Media network. For more information, visit 3rdPass.media

If you have any questions or comments please send them to mindfull@3rdpass.media or via Twitter @mindfullmedia

Mindful(l) Media 6: Why I Should Love Grace and Frankie, but I don’t — yet, My Ode to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and an Interview with D. Lynn Smith Founder of Kymera Press

Mindful(l) Media is a new show and podcast from Dr. Rosanne Welch helping the audience to be more Mindfull about the Media we both create and consume as it relates to the portrayal of Gender, Diversity, and Equality.

Subscribe via iTunes today

Mindful(l) Media 6: Grace & Frankie, Buffy, & ComicBooks

On today’s show:

  • Why I Should Love Grace and Frankie, but I don’t — yet.
  • My Ode to Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • Interview with D. Lynn Smith Founder of Kymera Press – publishing Comics written and drawn by women for readers of all genders
  • See the complete show notes at 3rd Pass Media

More after this…

Listen to Mindful(l) Media 6: Grace & Frankie, Buffy, & ComicBooks


Today’s show is brought to you by Audible.com. While I watched hours and hours of television in my childhood, I also read tons of books – and as a professor I have found that you can easily tell the readers from the non-readers by their spelling and their level of vocabulary so I always tell students to find time to read. It’s also deeply peaceful to get lost in a story. If you love audio books you can support us here at 3rdPass Media by starting your free 30-day trial with Audible today. Choose from over 100, 000 books.

Including one of my favorites, Enough Rope with Andrew Denton which includes a great interview with Lily Tomlin.  Visit AudibleTrial.com/3rdpass or use the link in the show notes today.

Mindful(l)l Media is part of the 3rd Pass Media network. For more information, visit 3rdPass.media

If you have any questions or comments please send them to mindfull@3rdpass.media or via Twitter @mindfullmedia

Mindful(l) Media 5: A Big Bang Theory Failure & The F-Ability of Women and Part 3 of an interview with Any Day Now creator, Nancy Miller

Mindful(l) Media is a new show and podcast from Dr. Rosanne Welch helping the audience to be more Mindfull about the Media we both create and consume as it relates to the portrayal of Gender, Diversity, and Equality.

Subscribe via iTunes today

Minedful(l) Media Episode 6  

On today’s show:

  • How the Writers Failed the Character of Amy Farrah Fowler on Big Bang Theory
    Is this focus on the f-ability of women a good thing…. or a bad thing… or just an old unsolvable thing?
  • See the complete show notes at 3rd Pass Media

More after this…

Today’s show is brought to you by Audible.com. While I watched hours and hours of television in my childhood, I also read tons of books – and as a professor I have found that you can easily tell the readers from the non-readers by their spelling and their level of vocabulary so I always tell students to find time to read. It’s also deeply peaceful to get lost in a story. If you love audio books you can support us here at 3rdPass Media by starting your free 30-day trial with Audible today. Choose from over 100, 000 books.

Including one of my favorites, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, narrated by Kate Burton. Visit AudibleTrial.com/3rdpass or use the link in the show notes today.

Mindful(l)l Media is part of the 3rd Pass Media network. For more information, visit 3rdPass.media

If you have any questions or comments please send them to mindfull@3rdpass.media or via Twitter @mindfullmedia