The Civil War On Film – 8 in a series – “…Lost Cause adherents deny the immorality and cruelty of slavery….”

The Civil War On Film - 8  in a series -

The last component of the Lost Cause, and perhaps the key component, is the cherished belief in happy slaves and sub-human African Americans in need of civilization and Christianity. Lost Cause adherents deny the immorality and cruelty of slavery and insist slavery was a benign and misunderstood institution.

Movies profiled in this book:

The Civil War On Film – 7 in a series – “…honorable Southern generals stand in contrast to venal, uncouth Northerners.”

The Civil War On Film - 6  in a series -

In keeping with the binary nature of ideologies, the honorable Southern generals stand in contrast to venal, uncouth Northerners. The Lost Cause insists upon the illegitimacy of Abraham Lincoln’s election and his personal villainy as a backwoods barbarian, miscegenationist and all-purpose bad dude.

Movies profiled in this book:

The Civil War On Film – 6 in a series – “…the so-called Irrepressible Conflict.”

The Civil War On Film - 6  in a series -

While any past event is vulnerable to the mythmaking of film, the Civil War might be the most contested event in American History. No national historical moment has been more written about (except perhaps World War II), argued over and romanticized than the so-called Irrepressible Conflict.

Movies profiled in this book:

The Civil War On Film – 5 in a series – “In our Civil War we didn’t fight outsiders…”

The Civil War On Film - 5  in a series -

Part of the problem was and is that civil wars create particular problems that World War II does not. In our Civil War we didn’t fight outsiders such as the Germans or the Japanese, we fought ourselves. In this way a civil war is a family fight and afterward we are forced to live with our family.

Movies profiled in this book:

The Civil War On Film – 4 in a series – “…the entire slave economy stood as a shining moment of magnolias and gentility.”

The Civil War On Film - 4  in a series -

Many Americans believe two centuries of legal human bondage left no great national scar. Our movies and television programs tell us enslaved people were happy, their owners were misunderstood men of honor and the entire slave economy stood as a shining moment of magnolias and gentility.

Movies profiled in this book: