Video: Who Companions vs. the Bechdel Test from Doctor Who: Feminism in the Whoniverse

A clip from this longer presentation – Doctor Who: Feminism in the Whoniverse with Dr. Rosanne Welch

Who Companions vs. the Bechdel Test  from Doctor Who: Feminism in the Whoniverse


Watch this entire presentation – Doctor Who: Feminism in the Whoniverse with Dr. Rosanne Welch

Dr. Rosanne Welch ( speaks on “Feminism in the Whoniverse” of Doctor Who, the BBC television program now in its 50th year. She reviews each of the Doctor’s female companions and speaks on how they are represented in the program and how they represented the women of their respective periods.


This is, likewise, what test we put to Doctor Who and these were the results — only with the modern companions. they didn’t have time to do everybody, right, modern companions. Notice, Donna wins. The one character who had no interest in having sex with The Doctor becomes the one, for the most part, spoke of other things when she was in scenes with other women. I think that’s really interesting. Notice, Martha’s next in line. Rose, after that and Amy is pretty low on the scale. That’s pretty interesting, if you think about it. Now, a lot of episodes she had to deal with Rory, so she’s not always in a scene with another women, so there’s an issue there and I have to think about how that balances out. The marriage was a good thing, so I don’t know if not talking to another woman can be taken against her.  

Feminism in the Whoniverse was presented at the Cal Poly Pomona University Library where Dr. Welch teaches in the IGE (Interdisciplinary General Education) program.

This is the 4th talk on various aspects of Doctor Who that Dr. Welch has presented. You can find these talks using the links below.

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