33 Mickey and Martha from Gender Diversity in the Who-niverse [Video] (1:01)

Watch this entire presentation: Gender Diversity in the Who-niverse: Paving the Way for a Lady Doctor with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video] (36:58)

33 Mickey and Martha from Gender Diversity in the Who-niverse [Video] (1:01)

For her 5th Doctor Who lecture to the CPP community, Dr. Rosanne Welch discusses how society – and the show’s writing staff – prepared the audience for a major change in this 50-year franchise – the creation of the first Lady Doctor!


…and just a side note in the world of production which I think is so interesting. When they went to film this particular episode each of these two actors had other jobs. So it turned out by accident they were only available on the same morning to film their goodbye scene. So Russell Davies invented the fact that they were married. he actually had two different stories written for them to film on different days and suddenly he only had them for 3 hours one morning. So he married them off. Though it was cute. Put it up there. Controversy from people saying “You took the only people of African descent and forced them to be married to each other like you don’t believe in interracial marriage.” I had two actors who could only work on one day. I had to be creative and I personally think that that’s an excellent ending for both of them because they shared adventures with The Doctor. How do you get together with someone who doesn’t share your background? who can’t understand your emotions and what you’ve done in your life, right? So Mickey. Mickey is a cool sensitive guy. Of course, I’ve already talked about captain Jack so I’ll just fly through him. Nothing wrong with looking at a few pictures of Captain Jack for a few minutes. Doesn’t hurt anybody to go, “Wow!”

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Rosanne Welch, PhD

Rosanne Welch PhD teaches the History of Screenwriting and One-Hour Drama for the Stephens College MFA in Screenwriting.

Writing/producing credits include Beverly Hills 90210, Picket Fences, ABCNEWS: Nightline and Touched by an Angel. In 2016 she published the book Why The Monkees Matter: Teenagers, Television and American Pop; co-edited Women in American History: A Social, Political, and Cultural Encyclopedia; and placed “Transmitting Culture Transnationally Via the Characterization of Parents in Police Procedurals” in the New Review of Film and Television Studies. Essays appear in Torchwood Declassified: Investigating Mainstream Cult Television and Doctor Who and Race: An Anthology. Welch serves as Book Reviews editor for Journal of Screenwriting and on the Editorial Advisory Board for Written By magazine, the magazine of the Writers Guild.

Watch Dr. Welch’s talk “The Importance of Having a Female Voice in the Room” at the 2016 TEDxCPP.

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