18 Ursula Le Guin from The Sisterhood of Science Fiction – Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video] (33 seconds)

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The Sisterhood of Science Fiction: A Walk Through Some Writers and Characters You (Should) Know And Love

18 Ursula Le Guin from The Sisterhood of Science Fiction - Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video] (33 seconds)


This one allowed me to riff on some of my favorite female science fiction writers across time, whether they be novelists or television writers. It also opened up a good conversation on what art we support and include in our lives – and what that art says to us and about us. — Rosanne


Then we move up to Ursula Le Guin. Quite famous. Quite wonderful. Tons of books. I could have covered the whole page with her books. Really somebody and again Ursula definitely not a dude’s name right so I think we’re safe. They think “Hey now women can put their names on science fiction and we can really think about their stuff.” Lots are really interesting alien stuff. Lots of strong female characters and that’s what comes out in these women writers, right? and again that fear the boys won’t read them, but I think we think we’ve moved beyond that right because Wonder Woman made a lot of money. So maybe we’re in a good place but Ursula Le Guin definitely worth paying attention to.

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