Just a “little” grading to do (LAUGH) #education #teaching #life via Instagram

Women in American History: Sarah Kemble Knight – Learn more about here in http://ift.tt/1O1IqAS via Instagram

A well-worn writer’s keyboard. Millions of words have passed through those keys. #technology #writing #writer #keyboard via Instagram

Dr. Rosanne Welch Speaks on The History of Adaptation in Film at Cal State Fullerton [Photos]

You Can Please Some of the People Some of the Time… None of the People All of the Time: A History of the Art of Adaptation in Movies like Dune, The Godfather, Harry Potter and More!

Dr. Rosanne Welch speaks on A History of the Art of Adaptation in Movies like Dune, The Godfather, Harry Potter and More! at the California State University, Fullerton Library

Part of the program series for Dune by Frank Herbert: A 50th Anniversary Celebration. 

Watch the complete video of this talk

Dr. Rosanne Welch speaks on the Art of Adaptation at Cal State Fullerton

Watch a slide show of all photos in this set


Teaching at the Stephens College Low Residency MFA Program in Television and Screenwriting in Hollywood! [Photos]

More photos of me teaching at the Stephens College Low Residency MFA Program in Hollywood. Complete video from that presentation will be available soon.

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Master of Fine Arts in TV and Screenwriting The first low-residency M.F.A. program specifically for TV and screenwriting.

The Stephens College Low-Residency Master of Fine Arts in TV and Screenwriting will prepare you to compete in the high-stakes world of professional screenwriting. The second-oldest women’s college in the country, Stephens is an institution on a mission: To increase the voices and impact of women in television and film.It’s a mission that has drawn both the attention and the support of some of the most successful and well-known women writers in Hollywood—women who care deeply about ensuring that women’s voices and stories are heard.

Program Highlights 

  • You’ll begin the program in Hollywood (we meet at the beautiful Jim Henson Studios) where you’ll spend 10 days in classes and workshops, and return for another 10 days six months later.
  • Between residencies, you’ll work online with at least four different mentors. Our entire faculty is comprised of working writers, members of the Writer’s Guild of America, including Ken LaZebnik, Carol Barbee, Kathleen McGhee-Anderson, Barbara Nance, Rosanne Welch and William Rabkin. 
  • Our community of professors and professional working writers are here to help you develop your vision, your voice and your career as a screenwriter. And they’ll do it on your schedule, on your time and in-between all of the other demands of your crazy-busy life.
  • Learning the craft of writing is essential but so is learning the business of selling what you write. Providing you with access to prominent show-runners, writers from the film world, development executives, agents and managers is a vital component of this program.

For complete information on the program, visit the Stephens College Web Site


Our Inaugural class – Stephens College Low-Residency Master of Fine Arts in TV and Screenwriting [Photo]

Our inaugural class — with Program Director, Ken LaZebnik, instructor, Dr. Rosanne Welch, and David Wilks (Mindfulness Meditation for Writers Instructor)  — for the new MFA in Screenwriting program from Stephens College, held at the Jim Henson Studios in Hollywood, California.

Our Inaugural class - Stephens College Low-Residency Master of Fine Arts in TV and Screenwriting


Master of Fine Arts in TV and Screenwriting The first low-residency M.F.A. program specifically for TV and screenwriting.

The Stephens College Low-Residency Master of Fine Arts in TV and Screenwriting will prepare you to compete in the high-stakes world of professional screenwriting. The second-oldest women’s college in the country, Stephens is an institution on a mission: To increase the voices and impact of women in television and film.It’s a mission that has drawn both the attention and the support of some of the most successful and well-known women writers in Hollywood—women who care deeply about ensuring that women’s voices and stories are heard.

Program Highlights 

  • You’ll begin the program in Hollywood (we meet at the beautiful Jim Henson Studios) where you’ll spend 10 days in classes and workshops, and return for another 10 days six months later.
  • Between residencies, you’ll work online with at least four different mentors. Our entire faculty is comprised of working writers, members of the Writer’s Guild of America, including Ken LaZebnik, Carol Barbee, Kathleen McGhee-Anderson, Barbara Nance, Rosanne Welch and William Rabkin. 
  • Our community of professors and professional working writers are here to help you develop your vision, your voice and your career as a screenwriter. And they’ll do it on your schedule, on your time and in-between all of the other demands of your crazy-busy life.
  • Learning the craft of writing is essential but so is learning the business of selling what you write. Providing you with access to prominent show-runners, writers from the film world, development executives, agents and managers is a vital component of this program.

For complete information on the program, visit the Stephens College Web Site

Photos: Kickoff of Stephens College Low Residency MFA Program in Hollywood!

Yesterday I kicked off the Stephens College Low Residency MFA Program in Hollywood with a class and presentation on “Why Study Screenwriting?” Complete video from that presentation will be available soon.

Master of Fine Arts in TV and ScreenwritingThe first low-residency M.F.A. program specifically for TV and screenwriting.

The Stephens College Low-Residency Master of Fine Arts in TV and Screenwriting will prepare you to compete in the high-stakes world of professional screenwriting. The second-oldest women’s college in the country, Stephens is an institution on a mission: To increase the voices and impact of women in television and film.It’s a mission that has drawn both the attention and the support of some of the most successful and well-known women writers in Hollywood—women who care deeply about ensuring that women’s voices and stories are heard.

Program Highlights 

  • You’ll begin the program in Hollywood (we meet at the beautiful Jim Henson Studios) where you’ll spend 10 days in classes and workshops, and return for another 10 days six months later.
  • Between residencies, you’ll work online with at least four different mentors. Our entire faculty is comprised of working writers, members of the Writer’s Guild of America, including Ken LaZebnik, Carol Barbee, Kathleen McGhee-Anderson, Barbara Nance, Rosanne Welch and William Rabkin. 
  • Our community of professors and professional working writers are here to help you develop your vision, your voice and your career as a screenwriter. And they’ll do it on your schedule, on your time and in-between all of the other demands of your crazy-busy life.
  • Learning the craft of writing is essential but so is learning the business of selling what you write. Providing you with access to prominent show-runners, writers from the film world, development executives, agents and managers is a vital component of this program.

For complete information on the program, visit the Stephens College Web Site

Dr. Rosanne Welch at Kickoff of Stephens College Low Residency MFA Program in Hollywood!

Dr. Rosanne Welch at Kickoff of Stephens College Low Residency MFA Program in Hollywood!

Dr. Rosanne Welch at Kickoff of Stephens College Low Residency MFA Program in Hollywood!

Dr. Rosanne Welch at Kickoff of Stephens College Low Residency MFA Program in Hollywood!

Photos: Dr. Rosanne Welch and Dawn Comer Jefferson at Heads Are Turning, Children Are Learning – California African-American Museum Celebrates Children’s Literacy

Dr Rosanne Welch and Dawn Comer Jefferson at Heads Are Turning Children Are Learning  California African American Museum Celebrates Children s Literacy  4

One Saturday March 23rd my co-author Dawn Comer Jefferson and I were invited to the California African American Museum (CAAM) for their annual literacy day, this year titled “Heads are Turning, Children are Learning”.  We presented a workshop on African American on the Oregon Trail, based on the research we did for the story in our children’s book The Promise which involves an enslaved family taken on the Oregon Trail with the promise of freedom if they survive.  Sadly, when they all arrive in Oregon, the owner frees the parents but not the children since he had never mentioned the children in their original deal.  

About 20 children and parents attended the workshop and participated in an exercise where they wrote a letter back to family and friends about their experience on the Oregon Trail.  It was fun to hear what parts of the presentation they remembered enough to include in their letters and to see them enjoy a chance to be creative.  

See a complete slide show of all 72 photos on Flickr

Walking over the Monkees’ Star on the Walk of Fame

The Monkees Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

On our way to the Cupcake Theatre today to see their performance of Avenue Q I realized we were walking over the names of so many of the actors of our childhood.  Then I further realized that I had yet to check the address of the star given to The Monkees in 1989 following three years of fan reaction to all the hoopla started by MTV in 1986 when they began rerunning all the episodes for the 20th anniversary of the show (during which time I stayed home all the days of the Pleasant Valley Weekend and used my VCR to capture all my favorite episodes).  

Turned out we were only a couple blocks from the star and so we checked it out on the way back to the Hollywood and Highland center. The Monkees’ star sits quite respectably at 6675 Hollywood Blvd, right in front of the Vogue Theatre where Head premiered and as I remembered, it is a star with a little television box in the middle, adding to the thesis of my book which is that their television program was just as important – if not moreso – than their work as a band.   

It was weird to imagine all the people in the street on the day they received the star – but not hard to do since thanks to YouTube I have seen video footage taken that day of the speeches each actor/musician gave and heard the cheers of the crowd.  What a nice experience for all those fans – and how fun to know now, in hindsight, that the diehard folks were going to be treated to continued reunion tours every so many years right up to today when I’ve been able to take my son to see them – and to read articles by all kinds of people – from Penn Jillette to Rachel Maddow – talking about how much they, too, loved the show.  

Photos: Dr. Rosanne Welch speaks on Feminism in the Whoniverse at Cal Poly Pomona

Dr. Rosanne Welch speaks on Feminism in the Whoniverse at Cal Poly Pomona

Rosanne gave the 3rd of her talks on Doctor Who at the University Library of Cal Poly Pomona on Tuesday, October 8, 2014. Here are a selection of photos from that talk. Video of the entire talk will be posted soon — Douglas

Dr. Rosanne Welch speaks on Feminism in the Whoniverse at Cal Poly Pomona - 04

Watch a complete slide show