Kate Fuglei and Dr. Rosanne Welch – The Mentoris Project Book Launch Party And Reading

Kate Fuglei and Dr. Rosanne Welch - The Mentoris Project Book Launch Party And Reading

Kate Fuglei and Dr. Rosanne Welch

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The Mentoris Project Book Launch Party And Reading With Dr. Rosanne Welch

I was deeply honored to be asked to read a section of my novel America’s Forgotten Founding Father (on the life of Filippo Mazzei) at the launch party for the entire Mentoris Book Project, which includes over 30 books about famous Italians and Italian Americans. At the Italian Cultural Institute in Westwood over a hundred family and friends gathered to celebrate this new publishing venture created by Robert Barbera under the umbrella of his Barbera Foundation. The evening also offered the chance to meet the director of the Italian Cultural Institute, Valeria Rumori and her cultural attache, Leonilde Callocchia.

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