There are many exciting steps along the way to having a chapter you’ve written about a beloved television show accepted into a book collection.
- First you see the Call for Submissions, have an idea and send in an abstract.
- Then they tell you they like your idea and want to include it in their collection.
- Then you write the chapter and they send back minimal notes.
- Then (that’s today) they send you the artwork for the cover and you smile all over again knowing other fans of the show will be reading your ideas as they consider the importance of the show to our culture.
All those steps (except the cover page) happened recently on a couple of upcoming collections I’m contributing to but the other day this cover came along for Doctor Who: New Dawn: Essays on the Jodie Whitaker Era and I couldn’t be more excited that a show I originally watched on PBS back in Ohio and followed all these years then made their lead character a female and then I had the chance to write about how a writer could go about making such a culturally important change.
My essay is entitled ‘She is wise and unafraid’: writing the first female Doctor and a diverse universe for her to protect
The book itself will be out later this year!