Category: Photos
SRN Conference Signs all over campus! via Instagram
Il Duomo Milano via Instagram
A taste of Sicily in Milan Granita at Ammu via Instagram
Granita at Ammu #food #travel #ammu #granita #summer #estate via Instagram
Prima Colazione (Breakfast) in Milano via Instagram
I would make a great digital vagabond. I can work almost anywhere via Instagram
This is Zurich airport as we wait for our short flight hop to Milan.
Zurich Airport is clean and pretty via Instagram
Working while we wait via Instagram
Power and WiFi make Jill (Rosanne) a productive girl. #travel #lax #swissair via Instagram
Of to Milan via Zurich tonight via Instagram
Feeling quite cosmopolitan heading off to Europe again. The SRN (Screenwriting Research Network) Conference gives us a reason — and college support — to go so many interesting places — like last year’s trip to New Zealand. #swissair #swiss #switzerland #italy #milan #milano #travel #srnconference2018 #srnconference via Instagram
Scenes from When Women Wrote Hollywood Book Launch Event
Scenes from When Women Wrote Hollywood Book Launch Event
Many thanks to the essay contributors who joined us and spoke so eloquently about the women writers they had researched: Toni Anita Hull, Laura Kirk, Amelia Phillips, Sarah Phillips, Julie Berkobien, Khanisha Foster, Lauren Smith, and to Cari Beauchamp, who wrote the Forward to the collection.
Follow Rosanne Welch on Instagram
Buy a signed copy of when Women Write Hollywood
Paperback Edition | Kindle Edition | Google Play Edition
* A portion of each sale from directly supports our blogs
** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!
† Available from the LA Public Library