Mindful(l) Media 10: Netflix Normalizes TV, The Heroine’s Journey and More! [Audio Podcast]

Mindful(l) Media is a new show and podcast from Dr. Rosanne Welch helping the audience to be more Mindfull about the Media we both create and consume as it relates to the portrayal of Gender, Diversity, and Equality.

Subscribe via iTunes today

Mindful(l) Media 10: Netflix Normalizes TV, The Heroine's Journey and More!

On today’s show:

  • How International Television via Netflix finally Normalizes TV
  • Is There a Heroine’s Journey???
  • Part One of my interview with Valerie Woods, author of “Katrin’s Chronicles: The Canon of Jacqueléne Dyanne”
  • See the complete show notes at 3rd Pass Media

More after this…

Listen to Mindful(l) Media 10: Netflix Normalizes TV, The Heroine’s Journey and More! 


Today’s show is brought to you by Audible.com. While I watched hours and hours of television in my childhood, I also read tons of books – and as a professor I have found that you can easily tell the readers from the non-readers by their spelling and their level of vocabulary so I always tell students to find time to read. It’s also deeply peaceful to get lost in a story. If you love audio books you can support us here at 3rdPass Media by starting your free 30-day trial with Audible today. Choose from over 100, 000 books.

Including one of my favorites, Eat. Pray. Love. Visit AudibleTrial.com/3rdpass or use the link in the show notes today.

Mindful(l)l Media is part of the 3rd Pass Media network. For more information, visit 3rdPass.media

If you have any questions or comments please send them to mindfull@3rdpass.media or via Twitter @mindfullmedia

Video: Qualities Women Want in Men #2 from How Doctor Who Redefined Masculinity

Dr. Rosanne Welch presents “How Doctor Who Redefined Masculinity: A Study of the Doctors and their Male Companions” at the Cal Poly Pomona University Library. Dr. Welch teaches in the IGE (Interdisciplinary General Education) program.

Dw masculinity 04 what women want 2 anim



But now, our generation is starting to look also at how do they parent? Will this person make a good father to the children I might have and we’re going to see that reflected in Doctor Who. Then, of course, all of them mentioned good hygiene, which we all know is a code word for hot looking and I think that’s true of most of our Doctors. Then ambition and honesty is a pretty basic one. Of course, if you flip that, it’s really all the stuff that men are looking for in women, as well. So, it’s just really what makes a quality human being and I think that’s really of interest to us. The other thing I would say is that that, as I said, is reflected in all of our guys.

A clip from this 5th talk on various aspects of Doctor Who presented by Dr. Welch. You can find Dr. Welch’s other Doctor Who talks using the links below.

Dr. Rosanne Welch

Follow Dr. Rosanne Welch on the Web and via social media at:

Mindful(l) Media 9: Bashing the Auteur Theory & Oddities of The Emmy Voting Process + Part 4 with Kymera Press founder D. Lynn Smith

Mindful(l) Media is a new show and podcast from Dr. Rosanne Welch helping the audience to be more Mindfull about the Media we both create and consume as it relates to the portrayal of Gender, Diversity, and Equality.

Subscribe via iTunes today

Mindful(l) Media 9: Bashing The Auteur Theory, the Quirks of Emmy Voting and the concluding of an interview with D. Lynn Smith, founder of Kymera Press

On today’s show:

More after this…

Listen to Mindful(l) Media 9: Bashing the Auteur Theory & Oddities of The Emmy Voting Process + Part 4 with Kymera Press founder D. Lynn Smith


Today’s show is brought to you by Audible.com. While I watched hours and hours of television in my childhood, I also read tons of books – and as a professor I have found that you can easily tell the readers from the non-readers by their spelling and their level of vocabulary so I always tell students to find time to read. It’s also deeply peaceful to get lost in a story. If you love audio books you can support us here at 3rdPass Media by starting your free 30-day trial with Audible today. Choose from over 100, 000 books.

Including one of my favorites, Modern Romance: An Investigation by Aziz Ansari and Eric Klinenberg. Visit AudibleTrial.com/3rdpass or use the link in the show notes today.

Mindful(l)l Media is part of the 3rd Pass Media network. For more information, visit 3rdPass.media

If you have any questions or comments please send them to mindfull@3rdpass.media or via Twitter @mindfullmedia

Video: Qualities Women Want in Men #1 from How Doctor Who Redefined Masculinity

Dr. Rosanne Welch presents “How Doctor Who Redefined Masculinity: A Study of the Doctors and their Male Companions” at the Cal Poly Pomona University Library. Dr. Welch teaches in the IGE (Interdisciplinary General Education) program.

Qualities Women Want in Men #1 from How Doctor Who Redefined Masculinity



When you’re talking about what men are — I prowled the Internet to discover what women want in men, because men are the thing that women want them to be because they generally want to be with women. This is in no particular order. I put Intelligence first. it did show up on all the lists that I found, so thankfully that is a good thing. Respect. Humor showed up always within one, two or three. Always, that was a thing that women were looking for and I think we’ll see that obviously reflected when we’re talking about Tom Baker a minute ago. Empathy, I think is a new one. I know it’s on some lists and not other ones and that’s really going to be something we see reflected in Doctor Who. Didn’t used to be vulnerability. Empathy wasn’t something we thought men should have and yet no we’re going “Now that would make you completely human so why shouldn’t you have it. So, I think that’s a big one. Being a good parent or a possible good parent and likewise being a good son to your parents and that’s actually an old adage, if you marry a man, don’t do it until you see how he treats his mother, because that’s how he’ll treat you. So, that’s been an old wive’s tale about what to look for in men. 

A clip from this 5th talk on various aspects of Doctor Who presented by Dr. Welch. You can find Dr. Welch’s other Doctor Who talks using the links below.

Dr. Rosanne Welch

Follow Dr. Rosanne Welch on the Web and via social media at:

Video: What a good man should be…from How Doctor Who Redefined Masculinity: The Doctors and their Male Companions

Dr. Rosanne Welch presents “How Doctor Who Redefined Masculinity: A Study of the Doctors and their Male Companions” at the Cal Poly Pomona University Library. Dr. Welch teaches in the IGE (Interdisciplinary General Education) program.

: The Doctors and their Male Companions



What I thought was perfect for me was “Day of the Doctor” – their 50th Anniversary Special started with a quote by Marcus Aurelius. “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one!” Which is really very close to “Do or Do not. There is no try.” It’s always the same kind of ideal, let’s just go do these things. so, I think that is quote wonderful. We come to this quote in this episode celebrating the entire series and I’m going to talk about how I think that is reflected. 

A clip from this 5th talk on various aspects of Doctor Who presented by Dr. Welch. You can find Dr. Welch’s other Doctor Who talks using the links below.

Dr. Rosanne Welch

Follow Dr. Rosanne Welch on the Web and via social media at:

Mindful(l) Media 8: Historical Feminists in Modern Television & Wasted Hollywood Talent + Part 3 with Kymera Press founder D. Lynn Smith

Mindful(l) Media is a new show and podcast from Dr. Rosanne Welch helping the audience to be more Mindfull about the Media we both create and consume as it relates to the portrayal of Gender, Diversity, and Equality.

Subscribe via iTunes today

Mindful(l) Media 8: Historical Feminists in Modern Television & Wasted Hollywood Talent + Part 3 with Kymera Press founder D. Lynn Smith

On today’s show:

  • Historical Feminists in Modern Television
  • Wasted Hollywood Talent
  • Interview with D. Lynn Smith Founder of Kymera Press – publishing Comics written and drawn by women for readers of all genders
  • See the complete show notes at 3rd Pass Media

More after this…

Listen to Historical Feminists in Modern Television & Wasted Hollywood Talent + Part 3 with Kymera Press founder D. Lynn Smith


Today’s show is brought to you by Audible.com. While I watched hours and hours of television in my childhood, I also read tons of books – and as a professor I have found that you can easily tell the readers from the non-readers by their spelling and their level of vocabulary so I always tell students to find time to read. It’s also deeply peaceful to get lost in a story. If you love audio books you can support us here at 3rdPass Media by starting your free 30-day trial with Audible today. Choose from over 100, 000 books.

Including one of my favorites, A Raisin in the Sun by  Lorraine Hansberry. Visit AudibleTrial.com/3rdpass or use the link in the show notes today.

Mindful(l)l Media is part of the 3rd Pass Media network. For more information, visit 3rdPass.media

If you have any questions or comments please send them to mindfull@3rdpass.media or via Twitter @mindfullmedia

Video: An introduction from How Doctor Who Redefined Masculinity: The Doctors and their Male Companions

Dr. Rosanne Welch presents “How Doctor Who Redefined Masculinity: A Study of the Doctors and their Male Companions” at the Cal Poly Pomona University Library. Dr. Welch teaches in the IGE (Interdisciplinary General Education) program.

Video: An introduction from How Doctor Who Redefined Masculinity: The Doctors and their Male Companions


A clip from this 5th talk on various aspects of Doctor Who presented by Dr. Welch. You can find Dr. Welch’s other Doctor Who talks using the links below.

Dr. Rosanne Welch

Follow Dr. Rosanne Welch on the Web and via social media at:

Video: The Monkees Impact on Culture Today from “Why Monkees Matter” with Dr. Rosanne Welch

A Clip from this longer presentation: Why Monkees Matter: How The Writing Staff of The Monkees Brought the 1960s Counter Culture to Mainstream Pre-Teen Viewers

The Monkees Impact on Culture Today from


Dr. Rosanne Welch presents Why Monkees Matter: How The Writing Staff of The Monkees Brought the 1960s Counter Culture to Mainstream Pre-Teen Viewers at the 2014 Cal Poly Pomona Provost’s Symposium on Faculty Scholarship (http://www.cpp.edu/~research/)


Then I have a chapter on cultural collateral — how much The Monkees still resonate in American culture. We don’t think so, but my gosh they do — particularly right after the show was cancelled. This is a year-and-a-half later. This is the most — I’m understood from the research I found — and when Davy Jones died in 2012 they announced this on CNN. This is the most re-run episode of television in the history of reruns and it’s this episode of The Brady Bunch, where Marcia Brady has written a letter to her — she’s the head of the Davy Jones Fan Club — and she wants him to sing at their Prom and he didn’t get the letter on time and so he isn’t going to come and her whole life is going to be ruined and when he finds out accidentally, he comes to her and says, “Ok, yes, as a matter of fact I can do that, but I need a date. Do you know anybody who’d like to go with me?” This is the most rerun episode of television ever and it’s all based on love of The Monkees. 

View photos from this presentation 

Dr. Rosanne Welch presents on "Why Monkees Matter" at Cal Poly Pomona - 21


Based on a chapter in my upcoming book The Metatextual Menagerie that was The Monkees, which includes a series of interviews conducted with surviving writers and performers of the 1960s television program, The Monkees I will discuss how the writers and actors used the show as a platform for their own emerging counter culture/anti-war messages.

Worth studying for its craft and place in television history (the show won an Emmy as Best Comedy Of 1967) the program’s true importance may come from its impact on the politics and culture of the era. Considered innocuous by the network, thepress and the parents of the era, the storylines and jokes created by the writers and the actor’s ad-libs brought the emerging counter-culture to the attention of young teens whose parents might not have appreciated the message. Cultural icons such as Timothy Leary recognized the subversive nature of the program, seen through the writing and in choices made about costuming, hair length, musical guests (Frank Zappa, Tim Buckley, Charlie Smalls) and songs performed by the band brought issues of Vietnam, voting and civil rights to the ‘young generation’ for whom the show clearly had ‘somethin’to say.

Subscribe to Dr. Welch’s YouTube Channel


About the Symposium:

The 2014 Provost’s Symposium is a forum to learn about each other’s scholarly work, make new friends, renew old acquaintances, and enhance our appreciation of the rich and diverse array of professional endeavors pursued by the faculty at Cal Poly Pomona.

Mindful(l) Media 7: Reality TV and the LGBT Community, Is Gidget Empowering? and Part 2 of Interview with D. Lynn Smith of Kymera Press

Mindful(l) Media is a new show and podcast from Dr. Rosanne Welch helping the audience to be more Mindfull about the Media we both create and consume as it relates to the portrayal of Gender, Diversity, and Equality.

Subscribe via iTunes today

Mindful(l)l Media 7

On today’s show:

  • A Rant on the Variety writer who credited Reality TV with helping bring LGBT people into the mainstream…
  • I’m Surprised by the Girl Empowering  Read GIDGET turned out to be!
  • Interview with D. Lynn Smith Founder of Kymera Press – publishing Comics written and drawn by women for readers of all genders
  • See the complete show notes at 3rd Pass Media

More after this…

Listen to Reality TV and the LGBT Community, Is Gidget Empowering? and Part 2 of Interview with D. Lynn Smith of Kymera Press


Today’s show is brought to you by Audible.com. While I watched hours and hours of television in my childhood, I also read tons of books – and as a professor I have found that you can easily tell the readers from the non-readers by their spelling and their level of vocabulary so I always tell students to find time to read. It’s also deeply peaceful to get lost in a story. If you love audio books you can support us here at 3rdPass Media by starting your free 30-day trial with Audible today. Choose from over 100, 000 books.

Including one of my favorites, In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. Visit AudibleTrial.com/3rdpass or use the link in the show notes today.

Mindful(l)l Media is part of the 3rd Pass Media network. For more information, visit 3rdPass.media

If you have any questions or comments please send them to mindfull@3rdpass.media or via Twitter @mindfullmedia

Video: Cultural Collateral of The Monkees from “Why Monkees Matter” with Dr. Rosanne Welch

A Clip from this longer presentation: Why Monkees Matter: How The Writing Staff of The Monkees Brought the 1960s Counter Culture to Mainstream Pre-Teen Viewers


Dr. Rosanne Welch presents Why Monkees Matter: How The Writing Staff of The Monkees Brought the 1960s Counter Culture to Mainstream Pre-Teen Viewers at the 2014 Cal Poly Pomona Provost’s Symposium on Faculty Scholarship (http://www.cpp.edu/~research/)


Then I have a chapter on cultural collateral — how much The Monkees still resonate in American culture. We don’t think so, but my gosh they do — particularly right after the show was cancelled. This is a year-and-a-half later. This is the most — I’m understood from the research I found — and when Davy Jones died in 2012 they announced this on CNN. This is the most re-run episode of television in the history of reruns and it’s this episode of The Brady Bunch, where Marcia Brady has written a letter to her — she’s the head of the Davy Jones Fan Club — and she wants him to sing at their Prom and he didn’t get the letter on time and so he isn’t going to come and her whole life is going to be ruined and when he finds out accidentally, he comes to her and says, “Ok, yes, as a matter of fact I can do that, but I need a date. Do you know anybody who’d like to go with me?” This is the most rerun episode of television ever and it’s all based on love of The Monkees. 

View photos from this presentation 

Dr. Rosanne Welch presents on "Why Monkees Matter" at Cal Poly Pomona - 21


Based on a chapter in my upcoming book The Metatextual Menagerie that was The Monkees, which includes a series of interviews conducted with surviving writers and performers of the 1960s television program, The Monkees I will discuss how the writers and actors used the show as a platform for their own emerging counter culture/anti-war messages.

Worth studying for its craft and place in television history (the show won an Emmy as Best Comedy Of 1967) the program’s true importance may come from its impact on the politics and culture of the era. Considered innocuous by the network, thepress and the parents of the era, the storylines and jokes created by the writers and the actor’s ad-libs brought the emerging counter-culture to the attention of young teens whose parents might not have appreciated the message. Cultural icons such as Timothy Leary recognized the subversive nature of the program, seen through the writing and in choices made about costuming, hair length, musical guests (Frank Zappa, Tim Buckley, Charlie Smalls) and songs performed by the band brought issues of Vietnam, voting and civil rights to the ‘young generation’ for whom the show clearly had ‘somethin’to say.

Subscribe to Dr. Welch’s YouTube Channel


About the Symposium:

The 2014 Provost’s Symposium is a forum to learn about each other’s scholarly work, make new friends, renew old acquaintances, and enhance our appreciation of the rich and diverse array of professional endeavors pursued by the faculty at Cal Poly Pomona.