Women Who Run the Room: A Conversation with Showrunners at the WGAw and co-sponsored by the Stephens MFA in Screenwriting Program [Photo]

Women Who Run the Room: A Conversation with Showrunners at the WGAw and co-sponsored by the Stephens MFA in Screenwriting Program [Photo]

Women Who Run the Room: A Conversation with Showrunners at the WGAw and co-sponsored by the Stephens MFA in Screenwriting Program. 

Photos of the panel and the full house/sold out audience from Women Who Run the Room: A Conversation with Showrunners. The Stephens MFA in Screenwriting co-sponsored this event with the Writers Guild Foundation. (from left to right: Dr. Rosanne Welch, moderator; Alexa Junge from Grace and Frankie; Dee Johnson from Nashville; Laurie McCarthy from Reign; Lizzy Weiss from Switched at Birth; SJ Hodges from Guidance)

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Outside Warner/Rhino Records with my latest acquisition – The Monkees, “Good Times”

Get your copy today!

Good Times
The Monkees 

Rosanne interviewed for “TedxCPP explores ripple” in The Poly Post [Press]

Poly post tedxcpp interview

During the intermission at TedXCPP last week, I was interviewed by a student reporter for The Poly Post, Cal Poly Pomona’s Student Newspaper. Here are some of my quotes from the article, TEDXCPP explores ripple” that appeared on Tuesday, April 12, 2016.

Poly post tedxcpp

“The first speaker of the night was Rosanne Welch, who started her professional career as a television writer and producer and now teaches several courses across multiple college campuses including CPP. Her talk, titled “The Importance of Having a Woman’s Voice in the Room,” advocated for the importance of a woman’s perspective in screenwriting.

“I disliked not being able to teach girls girl stories,” said Welch. “I never understood the logic to that; I still don’t.”

Welch’s talk did not just speak to women. She emphasized the importance of allowing young boys to admire females and males in order to give them a well-rounded human experience.

“It’s hard to have two audiences,” said Welch. “But I wanted to remind women they have to learn to speak up, and I wanted to remind grown ups that boys aren’t afraid of that.”

Read the entire article at The Poly Post


Funky Monkees Cover of Detroit Free Press Weekly Magazine TV Channels, 1967 via NAMM.org

Came across this in my Internet travels and I hadn’t seen it before. This is a very funky, caricature-style of the 4 lads and quite unlike anything else I have ever seen.

Funky Monkees Cover of Detroit Free Press TV Times

Click for larger image

Image: NAMM.org

Cast and Crew of The Monkees Television Show from The Monkees Live Almanac [Photo]

Keeping my focus on the television program it’s nice to post this cast and crew photo – traditionally taken at the end of each season. (Found at The Monkees Live Almanac. A great resource for tons of Monkees info) This offers fans and students the chance to see just how many skilled and talented craftsmen and women are required to create television.

 In Why The Monkees Matter I discuss the work of several of these folks and how it contributed to the magic of The Monkees.  

#14 is of particular interest as property master Jack Williams actually appeared on the program and was referenced in a couple of episodes.  And many of these folks were invited in front of the camera in the Tag for the Christmas episode, reminding the audience of their contributions.

The pity is that, since writers work in offices elsewhere on the lot, they often don’t appear in such photos – as has happened here.  

Monkees cast crew

Monkees cast crew key

Link: The Monkees Live Almanac

Walking the Los Angeles River with friends on Saturday #losangeles #la #california #walk #nature #outdoors #friends

Waking the Los Angeles River with friends on Saturday #losangeles #la #california #walk #nature #outdoors #friends

Walking the Los Angeles River with friends on Saturday #losangeles#la #california #walk #nature #outdoors#friends

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My Daily Ritual #news #newspaper #reading #daily #learning #education #words #rmwblog

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Out to see “An Act of God” at the Ahmanson tonight as Doug’s bday present and V-Day gift to both of us #Ahmansontheatre #losangeles #california #theater #comedy #birthdaygift #rmwblog

Out to see “An Act of God” at the Ahmanson tonight as Doug’s bday present and V-Day gift to both of us #Ahmansontheatre #losangeles #california #theater #comedy #birthdaygift #rmwblog

Interesting sculpture spotted on today’s birthday winery trip with @douglaswelch #sculpture #art #outdoors #publicart #rmwblog via Instagram


Interesting sculpture spotted on today’s birthday winery trip with @douglaswelch #sculpture #art #outdoors #publicart #rmwblog

Dr. Rosanne Welch talks “The Monkees” on the Zilch Podcast [Audio] Check it out! http://goo.gl/z1JaL7 via Instagram