Rosanne writes the Christmas Cards [Photography]

Rosanne writes the Christmas Cards  [Photography]

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34 Conclusion from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]

34 Conclusion from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]


Host: Well that’s about what we’ve got time for but is there anything you would like to add just at the end? I would just like to also like to shout out the “Journal of Screenwriting” again and want everyone to go and check out the special issues on women in screenwriting, which is really important and excellent work and the start of a lot more research coming out and focusing on women screenwriters and so thank you for putting that together. I’m really glad it came out and came out with Intellect. So yeah thanks for that.

Rosanne: Yes well it’s – in two years, in 2023, the SRN conference I’m gonna hold it on the Stephens College campus and it’s going to be the theme will be women in screenwriting. So we’ll get a whole lot more stuff and probably a publication will come out of that. So that would be exciting.

Host: I will I’ll definitely be coming to check that out in person when we can also go back to conferences again but yeah just everyone should check out the Screenwriting Network . Is it screenwriters Network?

Rosanne: The Screenwriting Research Network and it’s free to join if you’re an academic or a practitioner and it’s online. You can see our website and we have of course a Facebook page and all that stuff.

Host: Really oh and I should also say about the “Journal of Screenwriting.” There is free content online so you can download free articles from that journal publication. So I recommend people do that but yeah just thank you so much. It’s been a real honor. You really know your stuff and you wear many different hats you know. A practicing writer, a teacher, and an excellent scholar. So thanks for coming and joining us today. It’s been an absolute pleasure.

Rosanne: Well thanks you know. It’s another beautiful thing about conferences. We met because of SCMS without that we would not have met. So I appreciate this time and it’s been – it’s always fun to talk about this stuff because I’m a fan above everything else.

Host: We’re like cool nerds it’s interesting. Cool nerds. That’s what it is.

Well thanks, everyone for tuning in. We’ll be back again next Wednesday I don’t know who my guest would be yet so what’s this space and thank you again Rosanne Welch. It’s been amazing having you on. Have a great rest of your day and thank you again.

Rosanne: Thank you. Bye-bye.

One of the benefits of attending conferences is that you can meet the editors from the companies that have published some of your books face to face. That happened at the recent SCMS conference where I met Intellect editor James Campbell and he invited me to be a guest on his InstagramLive show.

We chatted about my work with the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting, and then my work with co-editor Rose Ferrell on the Journal of Screenwriting’s special issue on Women in Screenwriting (Volume 11, Number 3) that came out recently and which featured articles about an international set of female screenwriters from Syria, Argentina, China and Canada (to name a few).

We even had time to nerd out on our own favorite classic films across the eras which brought up fun memories of Angels with Dirty Faces, Back to the Future, Bonnie and Clyde, and of course, all things Star Wars from the original 3 to The Mandalorian. It’s always so fun to talk to fellow cinephiles.

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With Intellect Books Editor James Campbell (@IntellectBooks)

Speaking with Dr. Rosanne Welch, Author, teacher, and television screenwriter. Today we cover everything from women in screenwriting to our favorite Jimmy Cagney movies and Friends.

Journal of Screenwriting Cover

33 Read and Study Script from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]

33 Read and Study Script from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]


But that’s also something I tell people to do. Read scripts. Of course, watch TV shows and break them down right? Watch the show and go scene by scene right? What’s the A story the B Story, the C story? If it’s “Gray’s Anatomy” it’s D E F G you could do the whole alphabet right? Watch how many scenes in an act. Every Act breaks on the A story. Get that structure in your head so if you’re going to write that episode or show like it you’re gonna understand that. So you can either get that from reading the scripts and there’s so much free online now. Whenever the Emmys or stuff come out they do free PDFs because they want you to read the scripts. You can learn so much from looking at how other people have done it.


One of the benefits of attending conferences is that you can meet the editors from the companies that have published some of your books face to face. That happened at the recent SCMS conference where I met Intellect editor James Campbell and he invited me to be a guest on his InstagramLive show.

We chatted about my work with the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting, and then my work with co-editor Rose Ferrell on the Journal of Screenwriting’s special issue on Women in Screenwriting (Volume 11, Number 3) that came out recently and which featured articles about an international set of female screenwriters from Syria, Argentina, China and Canada (to name a few).

We even had time to nerd out on our own favorite classic films across the eras which brought up fun memories of Angels with Dirty Faces, Back to the Future, Bonnie and Clyde, and of course, all things Star Wars from the original 3 to The Mandalorian. It’s always so fun to talk to fellow cinephiles.

RMW Rosanne Signature for Web

Watch this entire presentation


With Intellect Books Editor James Campbell (@IntellectBooks)

Speaking with Dr. Rosanne Welch, Author, teacher, and television screenwriter. Today we cover everything from women in screenwriting to our favorite Jimmy Cagney movies and Friends.

Journal of Screenwriting Cover

32 Binging TV with Torchwood from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]

32 Binging TV with Torchwood from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]



I think the first binging I ever did. I didn’t think I’d be a fan of that because I’m fine with weekly making an appointment to see a show, but, again, I mentioned I’ma huge Doctor Who fan. I’ve written some chapters in Doctor Who books, too. In fact, There’s a new one coming out. I got to write about Jodie Whittaker’s first two years as the female Doctor and I loved that, but when Doctor Who had a spin-off called “Torchwood” and its third season was only five episodes and it was one whole arc story and I started to watch that one night at 8, 9 o’clock and thought I’d just watch a couple. I know it’s five episodes. I’m not going to binge the thing and after the second one, I was up until three in the morning. I had to see how it ended. Russell Davies. One of my favorite writers in the UK.


One of the benefits of attending conferences is that you can meet the editors from the companies that have published some of your books face to face. That happened at the recent SCMS conference where I met Intellect editor James Campbell and he invited me to be a guest on his InstagramLive show.

We chatted about my work with the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting, and then my work with co-editor Rose Ferrell on the Journal of Screenwriting’s special issue on Women in Screenwriting (Volume 11, Number 3) that came out recently and which featured articles about an international set of female screenwriters from Syria, Argentina, China and Canada (to name a few).

We even had time to nerd out on our own favorite classic films across the eras which brought up fun memories of Angels with Dirty Faces, Back to the Future, Bonnie and Clyde, and of course, all things Star Wars from the original 3 to The Mandalorian. It’s always so fun to talk to fellow cinephiles.

RMW Rosanne Signature for Web

Watch this entire presentation


With Intellect Books Editor James Campbell (@IntellectBooks)

Speaking with Dr. Rosanne Welch, Author, teacher, and television screenwriter. Today we cover everything from women in screenwriting to our favorite Jimmy Cagney movies and Friends.

Journal of Screenwriting Cover

31 Mystic Popup Bar and Binging TV from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]

31 Mystic Popup Bar and Binging TV from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]


Host: We’ve got a question here. Where can we view “Mystic pop-up bar”. I think it’s on Netflix.

Rosanne: Netflix. It’s on Netflix. Please find it. You will find it beautiful and you might have to watch a couple just to get to understand. It’s not hard to understand – obviously, it’s subtitled – but I mean story-wise it seems light, which is fun, and then it gets more and more –  and not dark or sad – but more and more heartfelt without being schmaltzy. If that makes sense. It just yeah it’s 12 episodes I think and just I couldn’t – in the last four I had to do a whole binge thing. I had to know then how they were all connected and I just – my heart just was like this is so beautiful and then it was over. It’s a limited series. I was like no I want more.

Host: I’ve been – these limited series do stress me out because you can you smash through them in one – one Sunday if you’ve got the day. If you’ve got a day, you’re having a day of rest you know you can sit there and watch four or five four or five episodes. I did that with the first “True Detective”. I think I did that with the Queen’s Gambit and just ran through these things and now I’m kind of like, I think I’ve seen all the Oscar and all the Oscar nominees. So I’m now waiting for you wonderful writers to get some more stuff out there.

One of the benefits of attending conferences is that you can meet the editors from the companies that have published some of your books face to face. That happened at the recent SCMS conference where I met Intellect editor James Campbell and he invited me to be a guest on his InstagramLive show.

We chatted about my work with the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting, and then my work with co-editor Rose Ferrell on the Journal of Screenwriting’s special issue on Women in Screenwriting (Volume 11, Number 3) that came out recently and which featured articles about an international set of female screenwriters from Syria, Argentina, China and Canada (to name a few).

We even had time to nerd out on our own favorite classic films across the eras which brought up fun memories of Angels with Dirty Faces, Back to the Future, Bonnie and Clyde, and of course, all things Star Wars from the original 3 to The Mandalorian. It’s always so fun to talk to fellow cinephiles.

RMW Rosanne Signature for Web

Watch this entire presentation


With Intellect Books Editor James Campbell (@IntellectBooks)

Speaking with Dr. Rosanne Welch, Author, teacher, and television screenwriter. Today we cover everything from women in screenwriting to our favorite Jimmy Cagney movies and Friends.

Journal of Screenwriting Cover

30 More On International Opportunities from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]

30 More On International Opportunities from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]


Rosanne: … because now we also understand other parts of the world that the United States TV market was kind of shut to because we only showed our own stuff and some of the “best” stuff from the UK on our PBS channels, right, and now we’re seeing so much more of the world. Which is also just helpful – going back to what we said about art making us all more human.

Host: Definitely. Yeah. An understanding of humanity when we can hear people’s perspectives and hear them tell their own stories.

One of the benefits of attending conferences is that you can meet the editors from the companies that have published some of your books face to face. That happened at the recent SCMS conference where I met Intellect editor James Campbell and he invited me to be a guest on his InstagramLive show.

We chatted about my work with the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting, and then my work with co-editor Rose Ferrell on the Journal of Screenwriting’s special issue on Women in Screenwriting (Volume 11, Number 3) that came out recently and which featured articles about an international set of female screenwriters from Syria, Argentina, China and Canada (to name a few).

We even had time to nerd out on our own favorite classic films across the eras which brought up fun memories of Angels with Dirty Faces, Back to the Future, Bonnie and Clyde, and of course, all things Star Wars from the original 3 to The Mandalorian. It’s always so fun to talk to fellow cinephiles.

RMW Rosanne Signature for Web

Watch this entire presentation


With Intellect Books Editor James Campbell (@IntellectBooks)

Speaking with Dr. Rosanne Welch, Author, teacher, and television screenwriter. Today we cover everything from women in screenwriting to our favorite Jimmy Cagney movies and Friends.

Journal of Screenwriting Cover

29 International Opportunities from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]

29 International Opportunities from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]


So I actually have a student right now whose family is – her father worked 6 months of the year in the States and 6 months in Korea and Korean television is exploding. Look at Netflix and all the new interesting shows that they have. She – normally a student would have to write a spec script of a show that exists here in the States. I make an exception for “Doctor Who” because everyone should know “Doctor Who”. So, if you want to be a States person and write that, you can, but this is the first time. She wanted to write a Korean show because she wants to move back to Korea full-time when she graduates and work in that television industry and that fascinated me. She got me to watch a highly recommend, beautiful show on Netflix called “Mystic Popup Bar.” It’s a beautiful story about a woman from ancient days in Korea who’s committed some sort of crime we don’t know, but she is cursed with having to be an – after she’s dead – and in the afterlife, she has to save 100,000 humans from grudges they have and then she can move essentially to heaven as opposed of go to hell for whatever this crime is that you take a while to find out what it was and so what you’re seeing is her encounter humans that need her help and she helps them in order to call up more – and she does it through running this pop-up bar where they come in and have dinner and she hears their troubles and then she goes into their life, but it has this beautiful final four episodes where you get the real ancient story and you start making connections between the other characters in it. It’s just beautifully written. It’s a beautiful, beautiful show. So that is more opportunity for people.

One of the benefits of attending conferences is that you can meet the editors from the companies that have published some of your books face to face. That happened at the recent SCMS conference where I met Intellect editor James Campbell and he invited me to be a guest on his InstagramLive show.

We chatted about my work with the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting, and then my work with co-editor Rose Ferrell on the Journal of Screenwriting’s special issue on Women in Screenwriting (Volume 11, Number 3) that came out recently and which featured articles about an international set of female screenwriters from Syria, Argentina, China and Canada (to name a few).

We even had time to nerd out on our own favorite classic films across the eras which brought up fun memories of Angels with Dirty Faces, Back to the Future, Bonnie and Clyde, and of course, all things Star Wars from the original 3 to The Mandalorian. It’s always so fun to talk to fellow cinephiles.

RMW Rosanne Signature for Web

Watch this entire presentation


With Intellect Books Editor James Campbell (@IntellectBooks)

Speaking with Dr. Rosanne Welch, Author, teacher, and television screenwriter. Today we cover everything from women in screenwriting to our favorite Jimmy Cagney movies and Friends.

Journal of Screenwriting Cover

28 Changes from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]

28 Changes from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]


Host: Is the business getting harder or are there more opportunities for younger writers and emerging writers?

Rosanne: I think there are more opportunities because the more shows – we have something like 439 new, actual shows, narrative shows running at this one time because of all the streamers and stuff. So that means all those shows need assistants and assistants – it’s kind of like the apprenticeship job on your way up. So, there is much more of that opportunity to meet and work with writers. Of course, that means that all that many more sets. One of the issues for someone in LA is that the sets are all over the place. So you’re not going to meet people if you’re a PA. You’re working on a show in Texas or like that, you’re not going to meet the writers because the writers are still pretty much here in LA or New York. So there is an issue with that. What I do enjoy is that the world is also getting more global because Netflix wants a global audience.

One of the benefits of attending conferences is that you can meet the editors from the companies that have published some of your books face to face. That happened at the recent SCMS conference where I met Intellect editor James Campbell and he invited me to be a guest on his InstagramLive show.

We chatted about my work with the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting, and then my work with co-editor Rose Ferrell on the Journal of Screenwriting’s special issue on Women in Screenwriting (Volume 11, Number 3) that came out recently and which featured articles about an international set of female screenwriters from Syria, Argentina, China and Canada (to name a few).

We even had time to nerd out on our own favorite classic films across the eras which brought up fun memories of Angels with Dirty Faces, Back to the Future, Bonnie and Clyde, and of course, all things Star Wars from the original 3 to The Mandalorian. It’s always so fun to talk to fellow cinephiles.

RMW Rosanne Signature for Web

Watch this entire presentation


With Intellect Books Editor James Campbell (@IntellectBooks)

Speaking with Dr. Rosanne Welch, Author, teacher, and television screenwriter. Today we cover everything from women in screenwriting to our favorite Jimmy Cagney movies and Friends.

Journal of Screenwriting Cover

27 Even More On My Screenwriting Story from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]

17 Even More On My Screenwriting Story from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]


…and then I wrote some pilots but it’s kind of difficult to get pilots made in this town because there’s a whole flock of high-level producers who – you’re going to give Don Belisario another show. You’re going to give Bruckheimer another show. You’re going to give Dick Wolf another show. So you’re always sort of pedaling through that world and now I’m working on – I wrote a children’s book a couple of years ago and I’m working on that as a pilot with a friend. So we’re getting that out and you know being seen at some companies and getting their notes and you know revising and deciding Just like “Monster” going I don’t want to make that change. I don’t want to change this part of the character. I was asked once by an agent I used to have that the thing to do would be to write a piece about a girl – a teenager – growing up in the Hamptons who has an affair with her father’s best friend and I just kind of sat there and went there’s nothing in there that I know of or have experienced or what I want to put out for young girls in this world. I do not want to tell that story. I don’t need to tell that story and if you think I need to in order to get hired by someone who wants that story I don’t want to work for that person. So it was very interesting – yeah it was again part of the business.

One of the benefits of attending conferences is that you can meet the editors from the companies that have published some of your books face to face. That happened at the recent SCMS conference where I met Intellect editor James Campbell and he invited me to be a guest on his InstagramLive show.

We chatted about my work with the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting, and then my work with co-editor Rose Ferrell on the Journal of Screenwriting’s special issue on Women in Screenwriting (Volume 11, Number 3) that came out recently and which featured articles about an international set of female screenwriters from Syria, Argentina, China and Canada (to name a few).

We even had time to nerd out on our own favorite classic films across the eras which brought up fun memories of Angels with Dirty Faces, Back to the Future, Bonnie and Clyde, and of course, all things Star Wars from the original 3 to The Mandalorian. It’s always so fun to talk to fellow cinephiles.

RMW Rosanne Signature for Web

Watch this entire presentation


With Intellect Books Editor James Campbell (@IntellectBooks)

Speaking with Dr. Rosanne Welch, Author, teacher, and television screenwriter. Today we cover everything from women in screenwriting to our favorite Jimmy Cagney movies and Friends.

Journal of Screenwriting Cover

26 More On My Screenwriting Story from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]

26 More On My Screenwriting Story from In Conversation with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video]


I had a partner in my early days and we got a job on “Beverly Hills 90210” because she was the assistant on that show and then we got a job on “Picket Fences” because I had met Jeff Melvoin who was the producer of that but I’d met him four years earlier as an assistant on a different show and so then I had to wait until he got a high enough level job that he – you know – could invite me to do a freelance and then I spent seven years on a show called “Touched by an Angel” which ran for 10 years and was a – we sometimes say in Hollywood it’s when they back up the money truck because you need residuals and all those things that don’t exist in streaming. So the business finances are changing as well. There will be more jobs that pay less. They still pay more than being a high school English teacher though but there won’t be residuals. Which a lot of people relied on residuals for many many years.

One of the benefits of attending conferences is that you can meet the editors from the companies that have published some of your books face to face. That happened at the recent SCMS conference where I met Intellect editor James Campbell and he invited me to be a guest on his InstagramLive show.

We chatted about my work with the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting, and then my work with co-editor Rose Ferrell on the Journal of Screenwriting’s special issue on Women in Screenwriting (Volume 11, Number 3) that came out recently and which featured articles about an international set of female screenwriters from Syria, Argentina, China and Canada (to name a few).

We even had time to nerd out on our own favorite classic films across the eras which brought up fun memories of Angels with Dirty Faces, Back to the Future, Bonnie and Clyde, and of course, all things Star Wars from the original 3 to The Mandalorian. It’s always so fun to talk to fellow cinephiles.

RMW Rosanne Signature for Web

Watch this entire presentation


With Intellect Books Editor James Campbell (@IntellectBooks)

Speaking with Dr. Rosanne Welch, Author, teacher, and television screenwriter. Today we cover everything from women in screenwriting to our favorite Jimmy Cagney movies and Friends.

Journal of Screenwriting Cover