Hello Sao Paolo! via Instagram

Hello Sao Paolo!

I have arrived and met my wonderful hosts who have already taken me to lunch and walked me around to show off their city.

Hello Sao Paolo! via Instagram

I’m so excited to have been invited to be the keynote speaker at the 10th Screenwriters´(hi)Stories Seminar being held on the campus of the Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in São Paulo, Brazil – NEXT WEEK!

Rosanne Is Keynote Speaker at 10th Screenwriters´(hi)Stories Seminar in São Paulo, Brazil - October 15-17, 2019

Click through for more information in Portuguese and English

It’s all thanks to my friend and colleague from the Screenwriting Research Network (who is actually the president of the network this year) Carmen Sofia Brenes who suggested me to the committee planning the seminar.

I’ll be speaking on “Why Researching Screenwriters (has Always) Mattered” which will be focused on the importance of storytellers in all cultures, and how screenwriters have become this last century’s most powerful storytellers thanks to the reach of technology. 

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** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!

Sarah Phillips, Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting alumni, Wins Founder’s Circle Award at the Louisiana Film Prize

Stephens banner

Congratulations to Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting alumni Sarah Phillips (IMDB) for winning the Founder’s Circle Award at the Louisiana Film Prize for her film Supplements!

Sarah Phillips, Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting alumni, Wins Founder's Circle Award at the Louisiana Film Prize

Louisiana Film Prize Logo

Sarah Phillips, Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting alumni, Wins Founder's Circle Award at the Louisiana Film Prize

The year is 2289, and all that’s left on Planet Earth is the domed city Old Centauri, roaming sun flares that scorch the land, and the nomadic tribes that mitigate the two. Kiirke comes from one such tribe, and she must travel to Old Centauri, along with her stowaway younger brother, to seek a small fortune to save her family – But the only way to make money as a newcomer to the city is to enroll in Supplements Labs as what the locals call a “lab rat”.

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Location as Character: The Craft of Writing Place Panel via Instagram

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Location as Character: The Craft of Writing Place Panel

Location as Character: The Craft of Writing Place Panel via Instagram

From @writersguildf – Writers Guild Foundation

We team up with @ColumbiaChi to talk about how locations inform and impact characters on TV with @qu33nofdrama, @SparksAnthony, Matt Lutsky, @RosanneWelch and Connor Kilpatrick.


* A portion of each sale from Amazon.com directly supports our blogs
** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!

Screenwriting Panel at the Writers Guild Foundation via Instagram

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From @writersguildf – Writers Guild Foundation

Screenwriting Panel at the Writers Guild Foundation via Instagram

Happening Now: We team up with @ColumbiaChi to talk about how locations inform and impact characters on TV with @qu33nofdrama, @SparksAnthony, Matt Lutsky, @RosanneWelch and Connor Kilpatrick.

* A portion of each sale from Amazon.com directly supports our blogs
** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!

Full Moon Over Foz via Instagram

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Full Moon Over Foz

Full Moon Over Foz via Instagram

A lovely moon rises over Foz, Porto, Portugal during The Screenwriting Research Network Conference in September.

* A portion of each sale from Amazon.com directly supports our blogs
** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!

Mothers Unleashed Storytelling Event with Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting Alumni

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Mothers Unleashed Storytelling Event with Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting Alumni

Mothers Unleashed Storytelling Event with Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting Alumni

Myself and 2 of my Alums, Julie Berkobian and Amelia Phillips at this wonderful event.

This will be a monthly event with a different theme — centered on Motherhood — each month. Amelia was both host and reader. They also recorded for a podcast version of the event.

Follow @mothersunleashedla for more info.



1 Year Ago – When Women Wrote Hollywood Launch Party at the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting Workshop

1 Year Ago! A fun, fun time – and we’ll be doing it again next August at the Autry!

The essays in When Women Wrote Hollywood were written by students (now alumni) of the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting

1 Year Ago - When Women Wrote Hollywood Launch Party at the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting Workshop

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Paperback Edition | Kindle Edition | Google Play Edition

* A portion of each sale from Amazon.com directly supports our blogs
** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!
† Available from the LA Public Library

Presenting my talk “How the chaos of collaboration in the writer’s room created the golden age of television” at the Screenwriting Research Conference in Porto, Portugal

Presenting my talk “How the chaos of collaboration in the writer’s room created the golden age of television” at the Screenwriting Research Conference in Porto, Portugal

Presenting my talk “How the chaos of collaboration in the writer’s room created the golden age of television” at the Screenwriting Research Conference in Porto, Portugal

** We have returned from Porto and I am streaming out our photos over the next few weeks.

Opening Reception, Screenwriting Research Network Conference, Porto, Portugal via Instagram

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* A portion of each sale from Amazon.com directly supports our blogs
** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!

Chatting with conference attendees before my talk at the Screenwriting Research Conference in Porto, Portugal

Chatting with conference attendees before my talk at the Screenwriting Research Conference in Porto, Portugal

Chatting with conference attendees before my talk at the Screenwriting Research Conference in Porto, Portugal

A great way to encounter these international friends I only see in person once a year at the 2019 Screenwriting Research Conference.

** We have returned from Porto and I am streaming out our photos over the next few weeks.

Opening Reception, Screenwriting Research Network Conference, Porto, Portugal via Instagram

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* A portion of each sale from Amazon.com directly supports our blogs
** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!

Opening Reception, Screenwriting Research Network Conference, Porto, Portugal via Instagram

Opening Reception, Screenwriting Research Network Conference, Porto, Portugal

Opening Reception, Screenwriting Research Network Conference, Porto, Portugal via Instagram

Opening Reception, Screenwriting Research Network Conference, Porto, Portugal via Instagram

Chatting with Rose Farrell, Ronald Geerts and others at this reception on the beach. A great way to encounter these international friends I only see in person once a year.

A great way to encounter these international friends I only see in person once a year at the 2019 Screenwriting Research Conference.

** We have returned from Porto and I am streaming out our photos over the next few weeks.

Opening Reception, Screenwriting Research Network Conference, Porto, Portugal via Instagram

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* A portion of each sale from Amazon.com directly supports our blogs
** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!