More on the Monkees: Dolenz, Jones, Boyce & Hart ~ 1976 TV Special (Part 1) [Video]

More on the Monkees: Dolenz, Jones, Boyce & Hart ~ 1976 TV Special (Part 1)

More on the Monkees: Dolenz, Jones, Boyce & Hart ~ 1976 TV Special (Part 1) [Video] 

 Wikipedia: “Dolenz, Jones, Boyce & Hart starred in their own 1976 TV special called The Great Golden Hits of the Monkees Show, which appeared in syndication. It featured a medley of other Boyce and Hart songs, as well as the songs they had produced for the Monkees. Strangely, it did not include any songs from their new album.”

 Why The Monkees Matter: Teenagers, Television and American Pop Culture


McFarland (Direct from Publisher) | Amazon | Kindle Edition | Nook Edition

Want to use “Why The Monkees Matter” in your classroom?

Order Examination Copies, Library and Campus Bookstore orders directly from McFarland

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Rosanne Moderates the Women Comedy Writers Panel for the Writers Guild Foundation and Stephens College

Rosanne Moderates the Women Comedy Writers Panel for the Writers Guild Foundation and Stephens College
Pictured:  Gail Parent, Njeri Brown, Rosanne Welch, Natasha Leggero, Riki Lindhome, Christine Zander and Ken Lazebnik pose before the Women Comedy Writers Panel

I had a great time moderating another panel for the WGA Foundation and enjoyed meeting all these female comedy writers. We talked about the power of comedy to force us to face the issues of our day and the pure fun of finding your place in a writers room.

I took the opportunity to ask Gail Parent (of The Carol Burnett Show, and The Golden Girls) to sign my used copy of her novel Sheila Levine is Dead and Living in New York so now I have another book to add to my autographed shelf! 

It was wonderful to feel the reverence in the room whenever she spoke – coming from the audience as well as the panel. That kind of reverence for those who came before us is usually reserved for men, which made experiencing it so much more powerful.

Rosanne Moderates the Women Comedy Writers Panel for the Writers Guild Foundation and Stephens College

See all the pictures in this set on the Stephens College MFA in Screenwriting and Television Facebook Page

In Conversation With Cari Beauchamp, author of Without Lying Down: Frances Marion and the Powerful Women of Early Hollywood via Instagram

In Conversation With Cari Beauchamp, author of Without Lying Down: Frances Marion and the Powerful Women of Early Hollywood via Instagram

In Conversation With Cari Beauchamp, author of Without Lying Down: Frances Marion and the Powerful Women of Early Hollywood

My Stephens College MFA in Screenwriting students are in town for the next 20 days and we are diving into our work.

This is a low-residency program where most of the work is done online but each cohort (1st year and 2nd year) comes to LA twice each year and meets for 10 days of intense workshops and research at the Jim Henson Studio (originally the Chaplin Studio) in the heart of Hollywood.

This week is the first workshop for our new class of 2020. 

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* A portion of each sale from directly supports our blogs
** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!
† Available from the LA Public Library

It’s Time For History of Screenwriting 101! via Instagram

It’s Time For History of Screenwriting 101! via Instagram

It’s Time For History of Screenwriting 101!

My Stephens College MFA in Screenwriting students are in town for the next 20 days and we are diving into our work.

This is a low-residency program where most of the work is done online but each cohort (1st year and 2nd year) comes to LA twice each year and meets for 10 days of intense workshops and research at the Jim Henson Studio (originally the Chaplin Studio) in the heart of Hollywood.

This week is the first workshop for our new class of 2020. 

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Another Fun Day at the Stephens MFA In Screenwriting Program

Stephens 2

Another Fun Day at the Stephens MFA In Screenwriting Program

My Stephens College MFA in Screenwriting students are in town for the next 20 days and we are diving into our work.

This is a low-residency program where most of the work is done online but each cohort (1st year and 2nd year) comes to LA twice each year and meets for 10 days of intense workshops and research at the Jim Henson Studio (originally the Chaplin Studio) in the heart of Hollywood.

This week is the first workshop for our new class of 2020. 


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Working with MFA Students via Instagram

Working with MFA Students via Instagram

Working with MFA Students

My Stephens College MFA in Screenwriting students are in town for the next 20 days and we are diving into our work.

This is a low-residency program where most of the work is done online but each cohort (1st year and 2nd year) comes to LA twice each year and meets for 10 days of intense workshops and research at the Jim Henson Studio (originally the Chaplin Studio) in the heart of Hollywood.

This week is the first workshop for our new class of 2020. 

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More on the Monkees: “Isn’t That Dumb?”

More on the Monkees: “Isn’t That Dumb?”

Tumblr nigjb6380k1tsadyso1 r2 400

Via Circle Skies on Tumblr

 Why The Monkees Matter: Teenagers, Television and American Pop Culture


McFarland (Direct from Publisher) | Amazon | Kindle Edition | Nook Edition

Want to use “Why The Monkees Matter” in your classroom?

Order Examination Copies, Library and Campus Bookstore orders directly from McFarland

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Using our new inexpensive, stainless steel, reusable straws — via Instagram

Using our new inexpensive, stainless steel, reusable straws -- via Instagram

Using our new inexpensive, stainless steel, reusable straws 

Out for midday coffee at Farm Table, Van Nuys

Got a set of 4 cheap on Amazon. You can probably find them elsewhere, too.

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Join me on Douglas E. Welch Photography on Facebook

* A portion of each sale from directly supports our blogs

More on the Monkees: Dell Magazine Monkees Covers via Someday Lady

More on the Monkees: Dell Magazine Monkees Covers via Someday Lady

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Via Someday Lady on Tumblr

 Why The Monkees Matter: Teenagers, Television and American Pop Culture


McFarland (Direct from Publisher) | Amazon | Kindle Edition | Nook Edition

Want to use “Why The Monkees Matter” in your classroom?

Order Examination Copies, Library and Campus Bookstore orders directly from McFarland

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Hurray for Hollywood via My Instagram

Hurray for Hollywood via My Instagram

Hurray for Hollywood

Linda, Lexi, and Rosanne overlooking Hollywood Blvd from the top of Hollywood and Highland

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Learn more about Hollywood History with these books

* A portion of each sale from directly supports our blogs
** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!
† Available from the LA Public Library