Mentoris Project Podcast: Building Heaven’s Ceiling: A Novel Based on the Life of Filippo Brunelleschi with Author, Joe Cline [Audio]

Mentoris Project Podcast: Building Heaven's Ceiling: A Novel Based on the Life of Filippo Brunelleschi with Author, Joe Cline [Audio]

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His greatest accomplishment came after his greatest disappointment.

One of the founding fathers of the Renaissance, Filippo Brunelleschi was more than an Italian designer. Brunelleschi made his mark in architecture and construction.

In his early years, sculpting was Brunelleschi’s passion. But after being passed over for a major commission, he set his sights on architecture, and changed the landscape of Italy as it is known today.

Brunelleschi’s most prominent contribution, the dome of Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, was the first of its kind, paving the way for bigger and more elaborate domes to come. His invention of machines to facilitate the construction of the dome allowed future structures to not only be imagined, but to be erected as well.

With his imagination, understanding of linear perspective, focus on geometric principles, and intellect for mathematics, Brunelleschi influenced the rise of modern science and architecture worldwide.

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“A Man Of Action Saving Liberty: A Novel Based On The Life Of Giuseppe Garibaldi” – 39 in a series

“If only more men understood, as you do, the value of having women in their ranks. In the military, in politics, in all seats of power,” Manuela mused. She had dedicated the end of her life to the fight for women’s rights to property, position and safety from abuse.

“I can only imagine how far we might have gone if I could have made my Anita the true general she deserved to be,” Giuseppe said.

“It is too late for Anita,” Manuela said. “But not for her daughters. Or granddaughters. Or great granddaughters if you work toward such a goal with as much passion as you bring to the goal of unity.”

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“A Man Of Action Saving Liberty: A Novel Based On The Life Of Giuseppe Garibaldi” – 38 in a series

“Men from this area are sailing to San Francisco as fast as they can,” Carpanetto said to Giuseppe one day over dinner. “Captains who have managed to return here tell me whole ships lay in dock, stranded by crew who had no intention of serving on the return trip.”

 “They merely signed on for their own free ride to the gold fields,” Giuseppe guessed. “Not very honorable.”

“No,” Carpanetto agreed. “But we will turn their dishonor into our opportunity. Whole ships are being sold for impossible discounts just to clear the docks for trading vessels.”

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“A Man Of Action Saving Liberty: A Novel Based On The Life Of Giuseppe Garibaldi” – 37 in a series

Over the next weeks many things became clearer to Giuseppe. Tensions were rising in the United States. Things like the 1850, Fugitive Slave Act passed Congress and provided for the return of slaves brought to free states, angering Northerner abolitionists while not completely placating the southern slaveholders. Giuseppe knew he would have to decide if he should use his talents to help preserve the union of these two factions, or find a way home, yet his exile seemed destined to keep him from home.

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Drs. Rosanne Welch and Sarah Clark discuss The Monkees “Monkee Chow Mein” episode on the Zilch Podcast’s Monkees 101 Series [Audio]

My co-host, Dr. Sarah Clark and I usually host a segment on Zilch: A Monkees Podcast where we break down episodes of The Monkees in terms of history and popular culture of the time in which is was written, filmed and aired. 

For this episode, however, we tackled the problem with an episode we consider to be a sad outlier to the usual mix of positive energy and creativity. The title alone will tell you the problem with the episode –  Monkee Chow Mein. Sadly, against the show’s youthful promise to celebrate how “we’re too busy singing to put anybody down” the title tells you laughs were wrung from doing exactly that so in this discussion Dr. Clark and I try to understand how that happened.

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Drs. Rosanne Welch and Sarah Clark discuss The Monkees “Monkee Chow Mein

Monkees News and “We need to talk about monkee chow mein”. Farewell tour, it looks like this is it.

Dolenz Sings Nesmith, a collection of songs featuring Micky paying tribute to the songbook of Michael Nesmith.

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Get Rosanne’s Monkees Book – Why The Monkees Matter!

“A Man Of Action Saving Liberty: A Novel Based On The Life Of Giuseppe Garibaldi” – 36 in a series

New York City in 1850 was a hodgepodge of some 700,000 peoples from all over the world. Giuseppe silently thanked Nicoletta every day for making him read the poems of Percy Shelley in English when he was a child for it made his transition easier. He watched so many other immigrants struggle with communicating in such a strange language. If anything, despite the accent he too carried, his command of language showed off his education, which helped some people accept him more easily than others of his countrymen.

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“A Man Of Action Saving Liberty: A Novel Based On The Life Of Giuseppe Garibaldi” – 35 in a series

So the children remained in safety with his mother as Giuseppe traveled the regions looking for a city that would allow him to settle, but most local governors feared his presence would escalate tensions with Austria. Or France. As Giuseppe traveled, he found himself taking Margaret Fuller’s advice and writing his memoirs. He had learned that newspapers from England to the United States were spreading his story far and wide and hoped a publisher would pay him for his own story.

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“A Man Of Action Saving Liberty: A Novel Based On The Life Of Giuseppe Garibaldi” – 34 in a series

“I am guilty of no crime save that of being an Italian like yourself,” Bassi said in his defense. “I have risked my life for Italy, and your duty is to do good to those who have suffered for her.” The Austrians convicted both men of bearing arms against the State, sentenced them to death and on August 8, 1849, executed Father Bassi and Count Livraghi by firing squad.

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“A Man Of Action Saving Liberty: A Novel Based On The Life Of Giuseppe Garibaldi” – 33 in a series

Giuseppe saw all this as he struggled to carry Anita, pregnant with their fifth child and sick from the malaria she had been trying to hide, to shore. Most of his remaining men scattered into the woods, on the run from the Austrians. One man, Leggero, stayed behind to help Giuseppe carry Anita and lay her in a cornfield out of sight. Then Leggero went in search of help.

Get your copy of A Man Of Action Saving Liberty Today!

Great note about Why The Monkees Matter from a satisfied reader and recommender!

It was quite nice to find this message on Linked In the other day. The Monkees book is now 5 years old but the fandom that comes to it is still as vibrant as ever. 

Great note about Why The Monkees Matter from a satisfied reader and recommender!

Thanks again to Adelaide!

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