The Civil War On Film – 7 in a series – “…honorable Southern generals stand in contrast to venal, uncouth Northerners.”

The Civil War On Film - 6  in a series -

In keeping with the binary nature of ideologies, the honorable Southern generals stand in contrast to venal, uncouth Northerners. The Lost Cause insists upon the illegitimacy of Abraham Lincoln’s election and his personal villainy as a backwoods barbarian, miscegenationist and all-purpose bad dude.

Movies profiled in this book:

37 International TV Shows and the US from Why Researching Screenwriters Has Always Mattered [Video] (41 seconds)

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37 International TV Shows and the US from Why Researching Screenwriters Has Always Mattered [Video] (41 seconds)

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This is a film — excuse me — a tv show that started in Europe. I learned about it through an Italian screenwriting colleague — Braccialetti Rossi and it’s about a group of young children in a hospital and they wear red bands because they have terminal illnesses and it’s about them banding together and being friends, One of the things that’s good or maybe bad about what’s going on with international television is that I believe we could air the original version in the United States and that enough people would watch it but the networks still believe they need to have an American version — a United States version. I had to learn to stop saying that this week right because I’m in America right now.

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A Note About This Presentation

A clip from my keynote speech at the 10th Screenwriters´(hi)Stories Seminar for the interdisciplinary Graduation Program in “Education, Art, and History of Culture”, in Mackenzie Presbyterian University, at São Paulo, SP, Brazil, focused on the topic “Why Researching Screenwriters (has Always) Mattered.” I was especially pleased with the passion these young scholars have toward screenwriting and it’s importance in transmitting culture across the man-made borders of our world.

To understand the world we have to understand its stories and to understand the world’s stories we must understand the world’s storytellers. A century ago and longer those people would have been the novelists of any particular country but since the invention of film, the storytellers who reach the most people with their ideas and their lessons have been the screenwriters. My teaching philosophy is that: Words matter, Writers matter, and Women writers matte, r so women writers are my focus because they have been the far less researched and yet they are over half the population. We cannot tell the stories of the people until we know what stories the mothers have passed down to their children. Those are the stories that last. Now is the time to research screenwriters of all cultures and the stories they tell because people are finally recognizing the work of writers and appreciating how their favorite stories took shape on the page long before they were cast, or filmed, or edited. But also because streaming services make the stories of many cultures now available to a much wider world than ever before.

Many thanks to Glaucia Davino for the invitation.


* A portion of each sale from directly supports our blogs
** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!
† Available from the LA Public Library

The Civil War On Film – 6 in a series – “…the so-called Irrepressible Conflict.”

The Civil War On Film - 6  in a series -

While any past event is vulnerable to the mythmaking of film, the Civil War might be the most contested event in American History. No national historical moment has been more written about (except perhaps World War II), argued over and romanticized than the so-called Irrepressible Conflict.

Movies profiled in this book:

36 Streaming Companies and World Culture from Why Researching Screenwriters Has Always Mattered [Video] (1 minute 19 seconds)

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36 Streaming Companies and World Culture from Why Researching Screenwriters Has Always Mattered [Video] (1 minute 19 seconds)

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That’s why these services are so important to what we’re going to be able to do in the future because so many films are now co-productions with Netflix and they know they want to keep this worldwide audience because soon we’ll have the Disney streaming channel and we’re going to have an NBC streaming channel. There will be too many of those to pick from. The one thing Netflix has going for it is it’s done co-productions with so many countries. So people can have an interest in seeing their stories more than repetitive Disney stories, as much as I like Disney after a while I don’t need to see Aladdin filmed by 47 different actors again and again and again. So I think it’s really important and so even when I was preparing and thinking about doing this I watched some Brazilian television. I was able on my own television to simply dial up these programs and see what they were all about and because of that, I can then share them with my students who are very interested in finding out because my students come from many, many different backgrounds — many many different heritages and they don’t always see themselves represented on film. So the idea of seeing television shows and movies from their families home culture is a beautiful way for them to keep that culture even in a world where assimilation is the thing that more people are respecting, and they feel they lose their culture.

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A Note About This Presentation

A clip from my keynote speech at the 10th Screenwriters´(hi)Stories Seminar for the interdisciplinary Graduation Program in “Education, Art, and History of Culture”, in Mackenzie Presbyterian University, at São Paulo, SP, Brazil, focused on the topic “Why Researching Screenwriters (has Always) Mattered.” I was especially pleased with the passion these young scholars have toward screenwriting and it’s importance in transmitting culture across the man-made borders of our world.

To understand the world we have to understand its stories and to understand the world’s stories we must understand the world’s storytellers. A century ago and longer those people would have been the novelists of any particular country but since the invention of film, the storytellers who reach the most people with their ideas and their lessons have been the screenwriters. My teaching philosophy is that: Words matter, Writers matter, and Women writers matte, r so women writers are my focus because they have been the far less researched and yet they are over half the population. We cannot tell the stories of the people until we know what stories the mothers have passed down to their children. Those are the stories that last. Now is the time to research screenwriters of all cultures and the stories they tell because people are finally recognizing the work of writers and appreciating how their favorite stories took shape on the page long before they were cast, or filmed, or edited. But also because streaming services make the stories of many cultures now available to a much wider world than ever before.

Many thanks to Glaucia Davino for the invitation.


* A portion of each sale from directly supports our blogs
** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!
† Available from the LA Public Library

The Civil War On Film – 5 in a series – “In our Civil War we didn’t fight outsiders…”

The Civil War On Film - 5  in a series -

Part of the problem was and is that civil wars create particular problems that World War II does not. In our Civil War we didn’t fight outsiders such as the Germans or the Japanese, we fought ourselves. In this way a civil war is a family fight and afterward we are forced to live with our family.

Movies profiled in this book:

35 Subtitles Are No Longer Scary from Why Researching Screenwriters Has Always Mattered [Video] (1 minute 5 seconds)

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35 Subtitles Are No Longer Scary from Why Researching Screenwriters Has Always Mattered [Video] (1 minute 5 seconds)

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Previously in the United States, the only way we could see a movie from Brazil would be if it won an Oscar or if it was nominated for an Oscar right and these are the only films that had wide release in the United States before Netflix because you would have to go to a theater. You would have to be the kind of person who liked to see international films, who were willing to read subtitles. I noticed — my son is 21 — and I notice in his generation there is more of a comfort with reading subtitles. He watches, because of Netflix, a lot of Japanese anime — a lot of movies from around the world — he doesn’t mind. About 10 years ago, before Netflix. if I assigned an international movie — and I would often assign some Italian films to my film students — they would complain because reading the screen was boring. Now it’s become more acceptable so that we have this opportunity. So until Netflix, this was the only way that in the United States we would have been exposed to any of these films except Kiss of the Spider Woman because that was a co-production between Brazil and the United States so it won some Oscars and we knew about it.

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A Note About This Presentation

A clip from my keynote speech at the 10th Screenwriters´(hi)Stories Seminar for the interdisciplinary Graduation Program in “Education, Art, and History of Culture”, in Mackenzie Presbyterian University, at São Paulo, SP, Brazil, focused on the topic “Why Researching Screenwriters (has Always) Mattered.” I was especially pleased with the passion these young scholars have toward screenwriting and it’s importance in transmitting culture across the man-made borders of our world.

To understand the world we have to understand its stories and to understand the world’s stories we must understand the world’s storytellers. A century ago and longer those people would have been the novelists of any particular country but since the invention of film, the storytellers who reach the most people with their ideas and their lessons have been the screenwriters. My teaching philosophy is that: Words matter, Writers matter, and Women writers matte, r so women writers are my focus because they have been the far less researched and yet they are over half the population. We cannot tell the stories of the people until we know what stories the mothers have passed down to their children. Those are the stories that last. Now is the time to research screenwriters of all cultures and the stories they tell because people are finally recognizing the work of writers and appreciating how their favorite stories took shape on the page long before they were cast, or filmed, or edited. But also because streaming services make the stories of many cultures now available to a much wider world than ever before.

Many thanks to Glaucia Davino for the invitation.


* A portion of each sale from directly supports our blogs
** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!
† Available from the LA Public Library

35 Women and Horror from When Women Write Horror with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video] (44 seconds)

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35 Women and Horror from When Women Write Horror with Dr. Rosanne Welch [Video] (44 seconds)

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A Friend of mine runs this comic company called Kymera Press. It’s all women artists. All women writers. So it’s comics by women for women and she’s doing a series right now which is Mary Shelley Presents. She’s taking some of these women I talked about earlier and graphic-noveling comic-booking their ghost stories in this format right? So she’s going to ComicCon and doing all that stuff. So Mary Shelley never goes away and the effect of women in horror never goes away which I think is really cool.

So that’s it. That’s me. That’s what I have to say about How Women Write Horror and what we take from horror when we take it in.

A Note About This Presentation

A clip from my keynote speech at the 10th Screenwriters´(hi)Stories Seminar for the interdisciplinary Graduation Program in “Education, Art, and History of Culture”, in Mackenzie Presbyterian University, at São Paulo, SP, Brazil, focused on the topic “Why Researching Screenwriters (has Always) Mattered.” I was especially pleased with the passion these young scholars have toward screenwriting and it’s importance in transmitting culture across the man-made borders of our world.

To understand the world we have to understand its stories and to understand the world’s stories we must understand the world’s storytellers. A century ago and longer those people would have been the novelists of any particular country but since the invention of film, the storytellers who reach the most people with their ideas and their lessons have been the screenwriters. My teaching philosophy is that: Words matter, Writers matter, and Women writers matte, r so women writers are my focus because they have been the far less researched and yet they are over half the population. We cannot tell the stories of the people until we know what stories the mothers have passed down to their children. Those are the stories that last. Now is the time to research screenwriters of all cultures and the stories they tell because people are finally recognizing the work of writers and appreciating how their favorite stories took shape on the page long before they were cast, or filmed, or edited. But also because streaming services make the stories of many cultures now available to a much wider world than ever before.

Many thanks to Glaucia Davino for the invitation.


* A portion of each sale from directly supports our blogs
** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!
† Available from the LA Public Library

The Civil War On Film – 4 in a series – “…the entire slave economy stood as a shining moment of magnolias and gentility.”

The Civil War On Film - 4  in a series -

Many Americans believe two centuries of legal human bondage left no great national scar. Our movies and television programs tell us enslaved people were happy, their owners were misunderstood men of honor and the entire slave economy stood as a shining moment of magnolias and gentility.

Movies profiled in this book:

Show art: Classic Films Based on Novels by Women Authors via LiteraryLadiesGuide

An interesting website I stumbled upon doing some research… — Rosanne

Classic Films Based on Novels by Women Authors via LiteraryLadiesGuide

Wuthering Heights 1939 filmFrankenstein poster 1931Cimarron 187x267

It’s surprising how many classic films are based on novels by women authors. Here’s just a small sampling, including Cimmaron, Frankenstein, and more.

Read Classic Films Based on Novels by Women Authors via LiteraryLadiesGuide

34 Coco and Exposure To Different Cultures from Why Researching Screenwriters Has Always Mattered [Video] (2 mins)

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34 Coco and Exposure To Different Cultures from Why Researching Screenwriters Has Always Mattered [Video] (2 mins)

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One of my favorite examples of how important it is to see culture travel through these streaming services is the film — it’s called Coco in the United States. It’s called Vivo here. When my cousins — my cousins are from Sicily — my grandparents immigrated to the United States from Sicily and their relatives stayed behind. So I’m related and connected to third and fourth cousins who live there. They came to visit me at Christmas this year and we were discussing Halloween, which I laughed at because I noticed some Halloween decorations in places I traveled around town today, and my cousin said in Italy Halloween is not very important because of course being a Catholic country what is important is that this is the Day of All Souls and so it’s a religious holiday. Only in you know only in Italy is that important and I said oh haven’t you ever heard of the Day of the Dead in Mexico and she had not because in Italy they haven’t studied Mexican culture. So I mentioned this movie which she had never seen but her 10-year-old son had seen it. The problem was on Netflix it was only running in English or Spanish and they’re Italian but their 10-year-old is studying Spanish in school. So at my house, we turned on Netflix. We watched the movie in Spanish with English subtitles to remind me because I’d seen it but I wanted to remember the story and any time the Italians lost track of this Spanish language we would pause and the ten-year-old would translate the Spanish into Italian and we’d all catch up and continue and in that way, they learned the story of the Day of the Dead — Dia de Los Muertos through this movie and they were so moved by the theme of the movie which again is such a universal theme that we should honor our ancestors and that we owe it to them right to live up to their history. It was a beautiful example of what Netflix is capable of doing — what streaming services are capable of doing for us and how important story is.

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A Note About This Presentation

A clip from my keynote speech at the 10th Screenwriters´(hi)Stories Seminar for the interdisciplinary Graduation Program in “Education, Art, and History of Culture”, in Mackenzie Presbyterian University, at São Paulo, SP, Brazil, focused on the topic “Why Researching Screenwriters (has Always) Mattered.” I was especially pleased with the passion these young scholars have toward screenwriting and it’s importance in transmitting culture across the man-made borders of our world.

To understand the world we have to understand its stories and to understand the world’s stories we must understand the world’s storytellers. A century ago and longer those people would have been the novelists of any particular country but since the invention of film, the storytellers who reach the most people with their ideas and their lessons have been the screenwriters. My teaching philosophy is that: Words matter, Writers matter, and Women writers matte, r so women writers are my focus because they have been the far less researched and yet they are over half the population. We cannot tell the stories of the people until we know what stories the mothers have passed down to their children. Those are the stories that last. Now is the time to research screenwriters of all cultures and the stories they tell because people are finally recognizing the work of writers and appreciating how their favorite stories took shape on the page long before they were cast, or filmed, or edited. But also because streaming services make the stories of many cultures now available to a much wider world than ever before.

Many thanks to Glaucia Davino for the invitation.


* A portion of each sale from directly supports our blogs
** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!
† Available from the LA Public Library