The Literary References Doctor Who Has Introduced You To With Dr. Rosanne Welch– San Diego Who Con 2024 [Video]

At San Diego Who Con 2024 (, I enjoyed lecturing on “From Shakespeare to Shelley or Dante to Dickens: The Literary References Who Has Introduced You To!”. 

I first thought of it while watching an episode with my favorite classic Doctor Peter Davison. I heard a line that was so specific I thought that it had to come from some book I didn’t know. It did. So then I researched what other famous authors had been quoted by the various Doctors and deeply enjoyed finding lots of Shakespeare and Dylan Thomas and of course, Byron and Shelley were in that mix. It was a reminder that writers READ. They read a lot to fuel their work.

The lecture also allowed me to highlight some great English actors who’ve starred in Shakespeare’s works like Patrick Stewart, Derek Jacobi, and Alex Kingston – some of whom also (of course) guested on Doctor Who.

Rosanne is part of a virtual Bucharest Symposium in Screenwriting and Literature

I spent a lovely and engaging morning in the company of several international screenwriting academics discussing teaching online thanks to being invited to this virtual Bucharest Symposium in Screenwriting and Literature by Tudor Voican, PhD, WallachiaIFF Jury President.

Rosanne is part of a virtual Bucharest Symposium in Screenwriting and Literature


The invitation arrived in my email inbox and almost looked like a fake – until I saw the names of the other participants and knew them to be pretty stellar in their fields. So I said yes.  We’ll meet online each Sunday for 3 Sundays to make 20 minute presentations to each other and share our knowledge.  

Though I would have loved to actually fly to what Tudor calls “the legendary land of Principe Vlad III Drăculea aka Vlad the Impaler, Voivode of Wallachia” but for now I am outside on the patio using our built-in Zoom background.

Presenting “When Women Wrote Horror” at the Cal Poly Pomona University Library as a Halloween event

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Presenting “When Women Wrote Horror” at the Cal Poly Pomona University Library as a Halloween event

Presenting “When Women Wrote Horror” at the Cal Poly Pomona University Library as a Halloween event

Video of this talk is coming soon!

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** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!

Met a mini-Aslan on my way to CS (Clive Staples – who knew?) Lewis’ grave at Holy Trinity Church in Headington via Instagram

Met a mini-Aslan on my way to CS (Clive Staples – who knew?) Lewis’ grave at Holy Trinity Church in Headington

Met a mini-Aslan on my way to CS (Clive Staples - who knew?) Lewis' grave at Holy Trinity Church in Headington via iInstagram

– and then I found the window dedicated to his Narnia books inside – it’s etched (not stained) so it’s hard to see but Aslan’s face is in the upper left with the Dawn Treader below it and the castle of Cair Paravel on the bottom right. Imagine being a writer who wrote something so lovely that the churchyard has to place location signs from your grave…and other writers would seek you out all these years hence.

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* A portion of each sale from directly supports our blogs
** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!
† Available from the LA Public Library