An Evening with Helen Estabrook at Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting

The Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting was excited to host an interview with Helen Estabrook, producer of Whiplash and Casual – who was interviewed for the “How I Wrote That” podcast, hosted by Khanisha Foster on Thursday night.

An Evening with Helen Estabrook at Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting

Working lunch today with @douglaswelch via Instagram

Working lunch today with @douglaswelch. I’m writing a book on Filippo Mazzei while Doug has bit of a nosh.

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Cal Poly Pomona Golden Leaves Presentation to Dr. Rosanne Welch and Dr. Peg Lamphier

Cal Poly Pomona Golden Leaves Presentation to Dr. Rosanne Welch and Dr. Peg Lamphier

Celebrating my 2017 Award-Winning Books 

Here my co-editor (and the funnest office mate ever) Dr. Peg Lamphier are smiling besideLibrary Dean Dr. Ray Wang at the Cal Poly Pomona Golden Leaves Award ceremony celebrating professors who have published in the past year.  

For us it was our 3-years-in-the-making “Women in American History: A Social, Political, and Cultural Encyclopedia” – then I earned a second award for my 2-years-in-the-making Monkees book “Why The Monkees Matter: Teenagers, Television and American Pop Culture”.   

2016 – A Publication Packed Year!

Dr. Rosanne Welch with Peter Tork and Micky Dolenz of The Monkees

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My book on The Monkees — Why The Monkees Matter — brought great joy into my life this year – allowing me to host a few book signings, attend a few concerts, meet a few of the more fabulous members of the Zilch Podcast Nation and even resulted in my being invited into the (marvelous and mind-blowing to my inner nine-year-old) St. Louis concert VIP photo op line where I had this lovely photo taken with Micky and Peter (and saw to it that they both had copies of the book).

Listen to my Zilch Podcast Interview about Why The Monkees Matter

Order your copy today 

Wow!  Isn’t that enough for one year?  

But I don’t want to slight the other, shorter works I published this year which included:

How Television Writers Transmit Cultures Transnationally via the Parent Characters Created for Police Procedurals
New Review of Film and Television Studies edited by Paolo Russo & Lindsay Steenberg

Read It Now!

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How William Shatner’s Chest Inspired one (or more) Female Television Writers to Succeed in the Boys Club of Hollywood
covering the episode:This Side of Paradise
Outside In Boldly Goes…: 117 Unique Perspectives on 117 Original Star Trek Stories by 117 Writers”
ATB Publishing.

Order Your Copy Today

In 2017 I’m looking forward to seeing these projects published:

PERFORM: Succeeding as a Creative Professional.
Chapter 5 Essay. Starting Over: “Everything I Need To Know About A Career In Hollywood I Learned From Writing Scripts” 
Editor: Anna Weinstein.  January 2017

Blue and Gray in Black and White and Color
Chapter: “Hidden Behind Hoopskirts: The Many Women of Hollywood’s Civil War Sagas”, “
Doug Brode, editor, 2018. 

Women in American History: A Social, Political, and Cultural Encyclopedia and Document Collection
ABC-CLIO Publishing, January 2017 (a full 4 volume collection)

Share this encyclopedia with your your local librarian 

And my co-editor Peg Lamphier and I are already in production on our 2018 release:

Technical Innovation in American History: An Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. ABC-CLIO Publishing, Spring 2018. 

Technical Innovation in American History: An Encyclopedia of Science and Technology

Look what arrived today! My essay – “How William Shatner’s Chest Inspired one (or more) Female Television Writers to Succeed in the Boys Club of Hollywood” is in Outside In: Boldly Goes

 Look what arrived today! My essay -

Look what arrived today! My essay -

Order your copy of Outside In: Boldly Goes Today

Look what arrived today! My essay – “How William Shatner’s Chest Inspired one (or more) Female Television Writers to Succeed in the Boys Club ofHollywood” is in Outside In: Boldly Goes – #book #essay #writing #startrek #sciencefiction #writer #writing #screenwriting


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Photo: “Women Write Now: Breaking Barriers In Film, TV And The Web” – Tue, November 29, 2016

From Rosanne…

Here is a photo of the complete panel from this event.


The WOMEN WRITE NOW: BREAKING BARRIERS IN FILM, TV AND THE WEB — In order left to right: Kirsten Smith (10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU, LEGALLY BLONDE), Gina Prince-Bythewood (Different World, Love and Basketball, Secret Life of Bees), Jessica Mecklenburg (STRANGER THINGS, BEING MARY JANE), Deborah Schoeneman (HAND OF GOD, GIRLS, THE NEWSROOM), Lauren Schuker Blum (ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK), Rebecca Angelo (Control Alt Delete), Dr. Rosanne Welch

Women Write Now: Breaking Barriers In Film, Tv And The Web

As the landscape of storytelling on film, television and the web evolves and changes, more women are leading the charge in breaking down gender walls in the industry. Each has her own story and a perspective about the challenges that women face as writers and creators in the field.

The Writers Guild Foundation and Stage 32 are partnering on this special event, which invites writers to discuss their careers and their experiences working as a woman in the industry, from where they started and how they got their material noticed to what the future for women in media looks like and what inspires them to write every day.

Dr. Rosanne Welch with The Monkees, Peter Tork and Micky Dolenz, Family Arena, St. Louis, MO, November 5, 2016 [Photo]

Dr. Rosanne Welch with The Monkees, Peter Tork and Micky Dolenz, Family Arena, St. Louis, MO, November 5, 2016 [Photo]

(L-R) Peter Tork, Dr. Rosanne Welch, Micky Dolenz

I deeply appreciate folks like Sarah Clark and Ken Mills and Tom O’Keefe for inviting me into their pre-show photo op at Saturday’s 50th Anniversary Monkees Concert in St. Louis.

While I’ve always enjoyed The Monkees concerts (from my first in 1986 to those in the 90s, and 2013/14 and at the Pantages earlier this year) this one impressed me. Their level of showmanship, vocal and instrumental prowess and the overall sense of fun and brotherhood that emanated off the stage made it one to remember.

Dr. Rosanne Welch presents at Pomona Reads 2016

Rmw pomona reads

Why The Monkees Matter Book Signing – Book Soup, Hollywood, CA – September 19, 2016

Last night’s book signing at Book Soup was wonderful – good people, good conversation (before and after the signing). Just another example of the kind of quality positive people who have been drawn to The Monkees across generations – I even met a former head of publicity for ScreenGems who had some fun stories to tell.

Click any photo to see the entire album


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See all the photos in this Flickr Slide Show

Buy “Why The Monkees Matter” Today!

 Why The Monkees Matter: Teenagers, Television and American Pop Culture


McFarland (Direct from Publisher) | Amazon | Kindle Edition | Nook Edition

About Dr. Rosanne Welch

Dr. Rosanne Welch is a professor in the Low Residency MFA in Screenwriting Program from Stephens College, California State University, Fullerton, Mount San Antonio Community College and Cal Poly Pomona.  In 2007, she graduated with her Ph.D. in 20th Century U.S./Film History from Claremont Graduate University.  She graduated with her M.A. in 20th Century United States History from California State University, Northridge in 2004.

Welch is also a television writer/producer with credits for Beverly Hills 90210 , CBS’s Emmy winning Picket Fences and Touched By An Angel . She also writes and hosts her own podcasts on, her first one titled “Mindful(I) Media with Dr. Rosanne Welch.”

Three Ring Circus: How Real Couples Balance Marriage, Work and Kids and The Encyclopedia of Women in Aviation and Space are two books she has written. Los Angeles Times and the Journal of Screenwriting hold some of her published articles.

Dr. Rosanne Welch Web Site and Blog

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Dr. Rosanne Welch on YouTube

Presenting “Why The Monkees Matter” to Micky Dolenz and Dave Evans, Writer of many Monkees episodes [Photos]

Last night I attended American Cinematheque’s “50th Anniversary of the Monkees” event at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood and had the opportunity to present copies of “Why The Monkees Matter” to writer, Dave Evans and Micky Dolenz. This is the culmination of a long path in writing the book and I was very happy that I could put a copy directly into the hands of 2 people who played such a fundamental role in the creation of “The Monkees” television show — and therefore, my book.

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Presenting “Why The Monkees Matter” to Micky Dolenz

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Presenting “Why The Monkees Matter” to writer, Dave Evans
