12 More On D. C. Fontana From Women in Early TV for the American Women Writers National Museum [Video]

12 More On D. C. Fontana From Women in Early TV for the American Women Writers National Museum [Video]

Many thanks to Janice Law of the American Women Writers National Museum who invited me to give a short talk on The Women of Early TV.

I enjoyed sharing the names and careers of women like Peg Lynch, Gertrude Berg, Selma Diamond, and D.C. Fontana to the members who gathered on Zoom last Wednesday morning. There are so many more I could have talked about whose names don’t appear in mainstream books about the history of television so we have to learn who they are and carry those names forward ourselves.  It’s one of the missions of the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting – and has been one of my missions all my life.

RMW Rosanne Signature for Web


She started out, as often happens to women, as an assistant to Gene Roddenberry. She had written short stories. She had actually written episodes of shows like The Big Valley and The High Chaparral. Again, two very progressive early shows. Problem was, how do you get a gig? She got a gig as his assistant but she was there at the very beginning. In the early books about Star Trek they will talk about how intrinsic she was to coming up with the fact that females needed to be important on the show because it was about the future and of course someone like Nichelle Nichols right? We had to have African-American representation in the future and this is going to be, again, so important to representation because Nichelle Nichols is going to inspire Mae Jemison, the first African-American female astronaut right? Mae Jemison saw Nichelle Nichols and knew that she could be in space because she saw it, so she could be it right?

Many thanks to Janice Law of the American Women Writers National Museum who invited me to give a short talk on The Women of Early TV.

I enjoyed sharing the names and careers of women like Peg Lynch, Gertrude Berg, Selma Diamond, and D.C. Fontana to the members who gathered on Zoom last Wednesday morning. There are so many more I could have talked about whose names don’t appear in mainstream books about the history of television so we have to learn who they are and carry those names forward ourselves. It’s one of the missions of the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting – and has been one of my missions all my life.

Watch this entire presentation


Women pioneers who created, produced, or shepherded many of America’s most wildly popular, early television programs will be profiled by Dr. Rosanne Welch.

Get your copy today!

03 Russell T Davies from The Difficulties and Delicacies of Writing the First Female Doctor in 50+ years [Video] [Doctor Who]

It was great to be able to attend this year’s SD WhoCon in San Diego and present this lecture on “The Difficulties and Delicacies of Writing the First Female Doctor in 50+ years” in which I discuss how successful I think showrunner Christopher Chibnall was in making that transition.

It gave me a chance to talk about the creative work of a showrunner/screenwriter while also reconnecting to some friends we had met at this same convention some 3 years ago – and to talk about one of my favorite subjects – Doctor Who!

03 Russell T Davies from The Difficulties and Delicacies of Writing the First Female Doctor in 50+ years [Video] [Doctor Who]


I also am on the editorial board for different things. Written By Magazine is the magazine of the Writers Guild. I have a sample of it over there. I got lucky one time when Russell was in town doing Miracle Day the editor was like I know you’re a Doctor Who fan. Would you like to interview him and I was like yes I would love to sit in a room and chat with him and it turned out few journalists are as Whovian of a fan as I. So we ended up chatting longer than I was meant to be there and the publicist would walk by and go “Are you all done yet?” and I thought. oh, they’re going to kick me out, and then Russell was like in a minute and he’d send the publicist away. So I laughed.


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37 Finding Your Writing Process…from Worry and Wonder | The Courier Thirteen Podcast [Video]

Watch the entire presentation – Worry and Wonder | The Courier Thirteen Podcast | Episode # 29 here

37 Finding Your Writing Process...from Worry and Wonder | The Courier Thirteen Podcast [Video]


I have another friend who teaches a thing called “speed drafting” So then you figure out what’s your best way to work and his idea is that you should set a little timer — an hour and a half, two hours, whatever you think — and just keep going and if you have a problem — I need to research something– you just slug in a little thing — figure this out later — that sort of thing keep moving, keep moving and the next day you don’t go back and look at what you did the day before. You just take it from where you stopped and go. So you have a whole first draft as fast as possible and then you take the time to pick your way through and do the rewriting and fill in the stuff that you didn’t know along the way. That works for him. That gives him two hours a day of writing and that’s all he needs to get to a — and then it’s two hours of rewriting when he gets to that stage. So you find a process that works for you and then you make sure your lifestyle allows for that process.

It’s always fun to sit down with students and share stories about entering the television industry and how things work at all stages and I had that opportunity the other day.

Daniela Torres, a just-graduated (Congratulations!) student of the Columbia College Semester in LA program asked me to guest on a podcast she had recently begun hosting with another college student she met during her internship (good example of networking in action!).

We could have talked all morning (the benefit of a 3 hour class session) but we held it to about an hour and fifteen minutes or so. Hopefully, along the way I answered some questions you might have about how the business works. So often it amounts to working hard at being a better writer and gathering a group of other talented, hard-working people around you so you can all rise together.

Dr. Rosanne Welch is a television writer with credits that include Beverly Hills 90210, Picket Fences, ABCNEWS: Nightline and Touched by an Angel. She also teaches Television Writing and the Art of Film at San Jose State University.

Rosanne discusses what made shows like Beverly Hills 90210 compelling, what to do and not to do when attempting to pitch a show to broadcast or streaming, what most young writers neglect in their writing process, and much more!

The Courier Thirteen Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, and Audible.

A TED Talk Worth Watching – “Saving the World Vs Kissing the Girl” by Lindsay Doran

I am quite a fan of TED Talks – for their content and the spiffy way they illustrate a talk should go in a quick 20 minutes or so.  I often show students one of my favorites – Chimamanda Adiche’s “The Danger of a Single Story” and show my friend, Art Benjamin’s TED Talks in some of my humanities courses.  I was deeply pleased to be asked to give my own TED Talk, “A Female Voice In The Room”,  when CalPolyPomona hosted their own TED@CPP event a few years ago.  So when I find a new one worth sharing – I share it. 

The latest TED Talk to catch my attention was given by film producer Lindsay Doran in 2012.  “Saving the World Vs Kissing the Girl” is a fascinating look at how ‘action’ movies end on the announcement of the success to someone the protagonist is in a relationship with, making the culmination of the relationship more important than the ‘saving the world’ part. 

For instance, at the end of Rocky he doesn’t say “Yo, Adrian, I won” because he doesn’t win the fight.  He only survived it. The movie ends with Rocky and Adrian struggling to get to each other in the crowd. When they reach each other, they clutch each other saying, “I love you” over and over again. THAT’s the win.

A TED Talk Worth Watching -  “Saving the World Vs Kissing the Girl” by Lindsay Doran

Using Dirty Dancing, Karate Kid, and The King’s Speech she explains how positive relationships are more important than positive accomplishments in films.  They always end with the healing of a primary relationship. Heroes who don’t win their fight (Rocky in Rocky, George Bailey in It’s A Wonderful Life, Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird) are so inspirational because they win their relationships. 

Then she says that women don’t need to learn that relationships are more important than accomplishments in life – men do.  So perhaps these action films are women’s way of teaching that lesson that no man is a failure who has friends.

I LOVE that idea!

11 D. C. Fontana From Women in Early TV for the American Women Writers National Museum [Video]

11 D. C. Fontana From Women in Early TV for the American Women Writers National Museum [Video]

Many thanks to Janice Law of the American Women Writers National Museum who invited me to give a short talk on The Women of Early TV.

I enjoyed sharing the names and careers of women like Peg Lynch, Gertrude Berg, Selma Diamond, and D.C. Fontana to the members who gathered on Zoom last Wednesday morning. There are so many more I could have talked about whose names don’t appear in mainstream books about the history of television so we have to learn who they are and carry those names forward ourselves.  It’s one of the missions of the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting – and has been one of my missions all my life.

RMW Rosanne Signature for Web


Most importantly the first woman who began in Star Trek — Dorothy Catherine Fontana. Now, this is something very important to me for us to recognize. She was told that boys would not watch programs or read books — she wrote short stories — that were written by a girl if they had male protagonists. So she was encouraged by both her publisher and her television agent to go by her initials DC which meant that legions of girls did not know that DC Fontana, their favorite Star Trek writer, was a female right, and that’s been, I think, a problem for years. We continue to do that. When I was a kid in high school you read The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton — Susan Elizabeth Hinton — because no one thought anyone would write a book about gang kids written by a girl. likewise, I think — I’d like to think we grow out of these things but in fact, in my son’s childhood, the major giant best-selling book around the world was written by J. K. Rowling because no one thought boys would read a book by a girl named Joanne. So we really need to get rid of that idea. We also need to recognize the women who came before us who were following that. So Dorothy Fontana…

Many thanks to Janice Law of the American Women Writers National Museum who invited me to give a short talk on The Women of Early TV.

I enjoyed sharing the names and careers of women like Peg Lynch, Gertrude Berg, Selma Diamond, and D.C. Fontana to the members who gathered on Zoom last Wednesday morning. There are so many more I could have talked about whose names don’t appear in mainstream books about the history of television so we have to learn who they are and carry those names forward ourselves. It’s one of the missions of the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting – and has been one of my missions all my life.

Watch this entire presentation


Women pioneers who created, produced, or shepherded many of America’s most wildly popular, early television programs will be profiled by Dr. Rosanne Welch.

Get your copy today!

02 Writing and Me from The Difficulties and Delicacies of Writing the First Female Doctor in 50+ years

It was great to be able to attend this year’s SD WhoCon in San Diego and present this lecture on “The Difficulties and Delicacies of Writing the First Female Doctor in 50+ years” in which I discuss how successful I think showrunner Christopher Chibnall was in making that transition.

It gave me a chance to talk about the creative work of a showrunner/screenwriter while also reconnecting to some friends we had met at this same convention some 3 years ago – and to talk about one of my favorite subjects – Doctor Who!

02 Writing and Me from The Difficulties and Delicacies of Writing the First Female Doctor in 50+ years


I came out of television into academia. So I worked on these shows earlier in my career and learned a lot from the people who ran them right? 90210. Very popular still. Always shocked about that because there’s been lots of teen shows but I think we learned that they took these teenagers seriously and when you take your character seriously, they become friends to the people who watch and I obviously believe that’s true in Doctor Who. We all have our favorite doctors. Mine actually goes back to classic Who. I’m a Peter Davidson person but our companions. I mean they are about bringing friends into our home. That’s how TV is different than film because you have to pay to go see the people in the films but these people come into our homes where we’re having coffee or you know having pizza or whatever. So I really think it’s interesting to look at why we fall in love with these characters and for me, of course, it comes from the writing.


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36 More On Finding The Time To Write…from Worry and Wonder | The Courier Thirteen Podcast [Video]

Watch the entire presentation – Worry and Wonder | The Courier Thirteen Podcast | Episode # 29 here

36 More On Finding The Time To Write...from Worry and Wonder | The Courier Thirteen Podcast [Video]


I have a friend who gets up at four in the morning and writes until six or seven and then heads off to work at 7:30. She has to be there at eight at an agency right? So she’s doing an agent thing but she wants to be a writer. So she’s — that’s her time and then the rest of the day she’s busy, busy, busy, and can’t possibly consume writing and couldn’t do it at night because she’s too darn tired from everything she did in the day but that means she goes to bed at like nine o’clock at night. So she can get up at three in the morning and still have had enough sleep to be ready to do that. That’s really disciplined but you have to be right? You have to be. When I was first — the first couple shows I was on there — the new writers always get stuck with the crummy time frames. So somebody always writes over Thanksgiving so there’ll be something to film like the Monday you come back. So there you go. Thanksgiving day. All your friends — your family’s all having dinner at the table and you’re in a different room in the house working your ass off to write something in five days that’ll be ready to produce or over summer. Some shows do. Some shows don’t or Christmas break. Yeah, it’s like well then I get this many days to do it. That’s all I’m gonna do is sit in front of this thing and just — you can’t stop.


It’s always fun to sit down with students and share stories about entering the television industry and how things work at all stages and I had that opportunity the other day.

Daniela Torres, a just-graduated (Congratulations!) student of the Columbia College Semester in LA program asked me to guest on a podcast she had recently begun hosting with another college student she met during her internship (good example of networking in action!).

We could have talked all morning (the benefit of a 3 hour class session) but we held it to about an hour and fifteen minutes or so. Hopefully, along the way I answered some questions you might have about how the business works. So often it amounts to working hard at being a better writer and gathering a group of other talented, hard-working people around you so you can all rise together.

Dr. Rosanne Welch is a television writer with credits that include Beverly Hills 90210, Picket Fences, ABCNEWS: Nightline and Touched by an Angel. She also teaches Television Writing and the Art of Film at San Jose State University.

Rosanne discusses what made shows like Beverly Hills 90210 compelling, what to do and not to do when attempting to pitch a show to broadcast or streaming, what most young writers neglect in their writing process, and much more!

The Courier Thirteen Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, and Audible.

10 Star Trek From Women in Early TV for the American Women Writers National Museum [Video]

10 Star Trek From Women in Early TV for the American Women Writers National Museum [Video]

Many thanks to Janice Law of the American Women Writers National Museum who invited me to give a short talk on The Women of Early TV.

I enjoyed sharing the names and careers of women like Peg Lynch, Gertrude Berg, Selma Diamond, and D.C. Fontana to the members who gathered on Zoom last Wednesday morning. There are so many more I could have talked about whose names don’t appear in mainstream books about the history of television so we have to learn who they are and carry those names forward ourselves.  It’s one of the missions of the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting – and has been one of my missions all my life.

RMW Rosanne Signature for Web


Desilu Productions gave the world Star Trek, a program that is credited with saving Paramount Studios from going bankrupt. This program became, as you know, such a cult following that it was followed into rerun after rerun after reruns for so many years. It’s one of the first television shows anyone thought to make into a feature film story. No one had done that with an earlier tv show before but they felt they had enough fans going in that they could get away with it and certainly the first one was not considered as critically wonderful but the second one, The Wrath of Khan, was considered one of the classic films and one of the best films in the Star Trek series and this series is so important, of course, was even rebooted with an entirely new cast right? So this story has gone on and on. We also know that it went into Star Trek: The Next Generation. It went into Star Trek Discovery. There’s now Star Trek: Picard. All of these shows have been very important in getting female writers started in the business. If you sold an episode to a Star Trek — any of the various franchises — you were considered a serious writer and you move forward. People like Jane Espenson and all kinds of women have moved forward from Star Trek.

Many thanks to Janice Law of the American Women Writers National Museum who invited me to give a short talk on The Women of Early TV.

I enjoyed sharing the names and careers of women like Peg Lynch, Gertrude Berg, Selma Diamond, and D.C. Fontana to the members who gathered on Zoom last Wednesday morning. There are so many more I could have talked about whose names don’t appear in mainstream books about the history of television so we have to learn who they are and carry those names forward ourselves. It’s one of the missions of the Stephens College MFA in TV and Screenwriting – and has been one of my missions all my life.

Watch this entire presentation


Women pioneers who created, produced, or shepherded many of America’s most wildly popular, early television programs will be profiled by Dr. Rosanne Welch.

Get your copy today!

01 Introduction from The Difficulties and Delicacies of Writing the First Female Doctor in 50+ years [Video] [Doctor Who]

It was great to be able to attend this year’s SD WhoCon in San Diego and present this lecture on “The Difficulties and Delicacies of Writing the First Female Doctor in 50+ years” in which I discuss how successful I think showrunner Christopher Chibnall was in making that transition.

It gave me a chance to talk about the creative work of a showrunner/screenwriter while also reconnecting to some friends we had met at this same convention some 3 years ago – and to talk about one of my favorite subjects – Doctor Who!

01 Introduction from The Difficulties and Delicacies of Writing the First Female Doctor in 50+ years [Video]


All right, ladies and gentlemen, it’s lovely to have you here. On my campuses, I’m kind of the Doctor of Doctor Who which makes people laugh. They’re like can you look at this academically and you can. What I’m going to talk about today is based on a chapter that I’ve written in a new book. I always feel bad about academic books. This thing is like 120 bucks because it’s meant for college libraries or whatnot and there are academics all over the UK and the US who’ve written chapters in it and of course it’s about the era of the New Dawn, the era of the Jody Whitaker Doctor. So when I saw this go up I said well I have a lot to say about screenwriting because officially this is who I am. I love that picture because it was taken at my college for an article they did on me. I worked for schools called Stephens College and we teach an MFA in screenwriting and so I always look at everything from the point of view of the person who wrote this material. I really am very interested in screenwriters more than directors because people sometimes will credit a director and I’m like well they didn’t make up the story. If you liked the twist or the character or piece of dialogue, they didn’t make that up. They just put the cameras at a lovely place and accented it. So let’s think about the people who wrote these things and so that’s what I do.


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35 Finding The Time To Write…from Worry and Wonder | The Courier Thirteen Podcast [Video]

Watch the entire presentation – Worry and Wonder | The Courier Thirteen Podcast | Episode # 29 here

35 Finding The Time To Write...from Worry and Wonder | The Courier Thirteen Podcast [Video]


Host: I mean how do you — how did you do it? How do you practice on your schedule? Do you like time limit yourself. You’re like, oh like one month or like one week to do three acts or something like that.

Rosanne: Well you get into a pattern when you do it. I mean the Writers Guild offers two weeks to write a script. That’s what if you’re a freelance writer they have to give you two weeks to go home but when you’re on a staff they expect you to write it in one week. They expect you to be able to write 10 to 15 producible pages a day. So that’s where you have to get yourself to if you’re really going to take it seriously. So yeah this took two months. This takes one month and you get it down to three weeks and two weeks and the best you can. You have to find the times a day that works for you. Some people are night writers. I am not but some people can work really great from 10 in the evening till two in the morning and then sleep from three to ten right? Okay then you have to know that and then you need to build a day job that allows you to do that right because that’s gonna do the most work. Some people — I go from like 6 am to like 2 p.m and then I make phone calls and do other kinds of email work and stuff like that because then I sort of run out of my creative excitement or whatever. So I have to make sure that I don’t do anything else until later. I don’t take meetings or do things like that until later in the day. If you don’t do that when you finally approach your computer to start writing something, it will take you so much longer and it will be so much more frustrating that you won’t get to the point you want and you might turn away right? So you have to be in a comfortable place to do that and you know this town is full of different kinds of jobs you can make work for that whatever is the time frame that you need.


It’s always fun to sit down with students and share stories about entering the television industry and how things work at all stages and I had that opportunity the other day.

Daniela Torres, a just-graduated (Congratulations!) student of the Columbia College Semester in LA program asked me to guest on a podcast she had recently begun hosting with another college student she met during her internship (good example of networking in action!).

We could have talked all morning (the benefit of a 3 hour class session) but we held it to about an hour and fifteen minutes or so. Hopefully, along the way I answered some questions you might have about how the business works. So often it amounts to working hard at being a better writer and gathering a group of other talented, hard-working people around you so you can all rise together.

Dr. Rosanne Welch is a television writer with credits that include Beverly Hills 90210, Picket Fences, ABCNEWS: Nightline and Touched by an Angel. She also teaches Television Writing and the Art of Film at San Jose State University.

Rosanne discusses what made shows like Beverly Hills 90210 compelling, what to do and not to do when attempting to pitch a show to broadcast or streaming, what most young writers neglect in their writing process, and much more!

The Courier Thirteen Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, and Audible.